[APP][Pro] Roborock Cloud - Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

Hey guys,

An experimental version, v0.16.0 is being pushed to test later today. It run successfully with me for one day, and I wish you guys to try it further before I push it to stable.

This version is the initial version which displays the map information by means of the camera support. It is limited to the map and the cleaning path. I have not implemented anything else like location of the robot, obstacles, or …

Please know that I cannot support interaction with the map, nor can I support zooming or anything else. This is not supported by the Homey API. I can visualise it, that’s it.

You are getting an authentication error which is not properly handled it seems. In the logs I see this:

RoborockApi - e[39mauthenticating against Roborock API … e[32m[2025-02-21T06:51:21.511] [INFO] RoborockLogin - e[39mauthentication failed: code 2012, msg: username or password error e[32m[2025-02-21T06:51:54.650] [INFO]

This might be caused by wrong credentials, or the fix that was added to v0.15.0 to use the correct authentication server. Please try with the latest test version available at Roborock Cloud | Homey


Thanks it works in test version now

Hey guys,

v0.17.0 is now pushed towards test.

This version adds:

  • Russion translation (thanks to Alexey Krainev)
  • UI sensors to display the current coordinates of the robot.


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This new version works fine for me: robot coordinates, the map with cleaning zone :sunglasses:

Amazing! The map does not update when changing location, else it is super and fast!

Correction: it updates when the Homey app is closed and opened agai.

There is also some camera icon in the background of the map. I do not know if that is something Homey does…?

Dear Kenny, thanks a lot for the great app.

The only thing that has limited my implementation so far is that I have not been able to define the mop route (you claim that it should work in the post that I am responding to)

my guess is with this “THEN TILE” but I have not found a way to define that

Could you plese let me know if I am missing something?

Kind regard

I am getting an “invalid_setting_type” when i try to type in the fixed IP for local access.

The beta version 0.17.0

report: 727c29c5-2b1c-49a6-abf4-af43d760595d

Hey @Rune_Bronimo

Could you reproduce that error and immediately after that send me a diagnostics report?
Also, which Homey model do you own?

Kind regards,


Homey early 2019 version 12.3.1


Hey guys,

The map only updates initially and at the sync interval when the robot is not docked.

The camera icon is normal, because I ‘abuse’ the camera functionality of Homey to display the map. I have no way to control this icon at all.

The next version will add a flow card for the mop routes too.

The flow card you are referring too will allow this too, but it is complex & advanced material. Only for the most experienced users.

The next version will drop the room names from the settings, I have the impression that this causes the troubles on Homey Pro early 2019 devices. The newer flows with auto-complete for room names also make this unneccasary.

Kind regards,


I am also having this problem. Do youbthink you can fix this?

i am getting the folowing error. what can i do ?

Hey @Goldstrike,

Which version of the app?


Hey @MichelW,

Yes, it will be fixed, it is one of the next on my list.

Kind regards,

Hey guys,

I’ve pushed v0.18.0 towards test.

  • This version displays the robot location on the mini-map.
  • The version should also provide improvements for the alarm handling. At least (in case of an empty water tank) you should see the generic “problem” alarm popping up. If that should pop up instead of the expected one, please submit a diagnostics report.

I’m now trying to finialize things so i can get v1.0.0 out as a stable version.



hi @kennyMoens the empty water tank alarm worked fine this morning, perfect :+1:

Hey @KennyMoens,

thanks for the update, I tested controling the mop route and it works fine, however in the flow card there are only two options (fast, standard). However in the Roborock app there are 4 options (fast, standard, deep, deep+).

In the Roborock app the deep, deep+ options (the ones which are missing in your app) appear only if you select “only to mop”, if you “Vacuum and mop” at the same time or if you only Vacuum, then you can choose from the two options (fast, standard).

Do you think it would be possible to include the deep, deep+ as well?

Small wishlist item here would be to include a warning for the dirty water tank being full. Because right now we have ”tank empty alarm”, which seems to map nicely to the clean water tank state. But unless i am missing something, the state of the dirty water tank is not captured - right?

Really a low prio issue, seeing how the clean water always runs out before the dirty tank is full - and manual service most likely includes fixing both tanks…

Ps. Really LOVE the camera (map) feature. Works wonders with push notifications, and was really the last thing keeping me in the Roborock App (aside from scheduled maintenance alerts).