[APP][Pro] Rain Bird

Thank you so much for your effort. Was waiting for this. Really happy!

I have been using HomeBridge to get the RC2 into Homekit. Homekitty, however, does unable to enable this device in Homekit. It this something you can enable, or fix?

I program the schedule in the Rainbird app and let it do it’s thing, but I want Homey to do other stuff (and, then etc.) and this app should work perfectly, but I am testing this tomorrow. However, I simply would like to see the status in Homekit, too.

Anyway… thanks again.

I have this too: is address or local host doesn’t work, just endless spinning. What am i doing wrong?

I’ll have a look at the connection issue after the weekend. It seems everyone is using the RC2, which I don’t have.

In the settings of the app, you are able to send logs to the developer (me), it would help greatly if you could.

One important thing to watch out for. The rainbows doesn’t love multiple connections to it, so if you already have a HomeBridge, HA or any other integration running, that could be a problem.

Easiest test would also to try the IP adres of the Rainbird device, instead of rainbird.local.

As I wrote before, I tried to connect using the dirket ip address.
Could you tell me how I can get the applog you mentioned?

Thank you!

In the app, click the bottom right tab, called ‘more’. Go to Apps and click the Rainbird app .

There should be a ‘cog’ in the top right corner, click that. That should show a screen with a button called ‘Create diagnostics report’.

I can confirm on RC2. Disable any other connection for e.g. via homebridge etc.

Also close the iOS app on your phone if you have it open. No more than one connection at a time.

I have only tried via direct IP address (and controller password) and this worked instantly.

I have a new test version available for people that have problems connecting to the Rainbird.

But as Bram also said:

  • Close any Rainbird app you have running
  • Make sure you are not using HomeBridge, Home Assistant or any other Rainbird helper app
  • Install the latest version linked below

I have a question on how the app should work. I have created an advanced flow with two when cards;

  • when “irrigation starts”
  • when “irrigation stops”

I programmed a schedule in the Rain Bird app, and was now hoping that “when” the Rain Bird app sends an event notification, as in for e.g.; “Rain Bird controller irrigation event completed”, Homey would pick up on it.

I was hoping that Homey would pickup when Rain Bird would start or stop an irrigation event. Is this not what that “when” card means?

Should I (re)create a schedule in Homey in order for this to work?

Hello! The app works great when scheduling/starting irrigation from homey. However, it seems not to be working retrieving the status of the irrigation when started from the rainbird app. Are you aware of this?

Also, it would be terrific to expose the rain sensor as it can be used as trigger for many applications.



I have noticed this too. I hope they can include it in a future version.


absolutely totally agree, that would be awesome

Hi there,

any chance that “RainBird ST8I-INTL 8 Zonen inkl.WiFi” will work or can be included into the app?



Love this App! Is it possible to add the Rain Sensor as earlier mentioned? Also please add the possiblity to delay the rainschedule for one or more days. Thanx in advance!

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Having the rain sensor would be great indeed. To delay schedule I guess you can have a flow to disable your rain schedule and reactivate N days after

Sorry, but disabeling is not possible.

Good morning everyone. Today I finally received (and installed) the Rainbird rain sensor and started experimenting with it. I think I got it working, but I updated the test version of the app.

I have added a sensor that tells you if the rain setpoint has been reached and 2 new flow cards. One if the setpoint value CHANGES (so reached or not) and another card, which you can use as an ‘AND’ card.

So, you can now do stuff like this:

As this is a very experimental build, I am leaving it in test for now, but you can install it, if you dare :wink:


Can You explain in details, how “rain point” is working?

Hello! The rainpoint does not seem to work. At least i see it triggered in the official rainbird app, but not reached in homey pro

Congrats, rain setpoint seems to work! We had a few showers last days so the sensor is wet and the card “Rain set point is reached” is thru, so that will be the moment that I will use it to prevent to start the next irrigation cycle :wink: So now waiting for the sensor to be dry again. (Which is in my case also depending on the slider setting of the sensor) Will keep you informed as it currently continu’s to rain . .

Looks like the signal (Rain setpoint changed) is not resetting ‘on its own’, when the sensor was dry again. This morning, the signal on the Rain Bird Controller showed that the rain sensor was dry, but in the Homey app, it is shown (still) as wet. After a ‘stop irrigation’ signal was send to the controller the “Rain setpoint” signal was send/received in the homey app. This means (if I’m correct) that the “Rain setpoint changed” is not picked up ‘automatic’.
I will keep monitoring!
Kind Regards Rudi