[APP][Pro] PiHole Control - New possibilities of PiHole controls

Extend Homey with the option of controlling your PiHoles.

Connect any number of PiHoles to Homey and control them centrally.

With displays such as the number of requests, filtered requests, etc., you are always up to date.

The possibilities are endless if you extend Homey with this function.

The completely revised version is now available.

PiHole Control | Homey


You not planing to make an equal app for AdGuard Home? :sweat_smile:

There are no plans for this at the moment :wink:

Ok :disappointed:

Awesome app. Are you planning to add a status and a card for when there is a pi hole update available. I would like to mix this in a flow with the Simple SSH app to push the update. And use that as a trigger, instead of a timer.

And i think there is a naming issue with the If cards for connection and filter status, there are 3 for the filter and 1 for connection. I think one is filter card is misnamed, and should be Connection.

Thank you very much, I’m glad you like it.
I’d be happy to check it, if the status query allows it, I could certainly incorporate it.
I’ll gladly add the suggestion to my to-do list.

Regarding the translation, I’ll be happy to look into that as well.

Many thanks for the feedback.

“And i think there is a naming issue with the If cards for connection and filter status, there are 3 for the filter and 1 for connection. I think one is filter card is misnamed, and should be Connection.”

I’m not sure what you mean right now. Can you give me an example (picture)?

Hi TroRon. This is in dutch. The top one is connection restored. And the 3 after are filter status changed. No connection loss card or a card for connection changed. What you would expect. If i look at the second, there is a tag that you can use in the flow that has the name connection status, but the card is about the filter. So i think that this is a typo. Or at least i am missing the connection lost card.

I am not sure if the API gives this information. I use an app on the iPhone that usages the API as well. This app gives me a warning if there is a update. But i could be that you only get the version through the API and that they calculate with some other information if this is the latest. The app is called “Pi-hole remote”

Hi Roy

Yes, you found a bug there, thank you very much :slight_smile:
Will be corrected in the next version.



Correct, the normal status query does not return this answer.

But there is probably a way to get there :wink:

The PiHole Remote app does this too, I use it myself.

I definitely like to take a look at it :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the input.

Your feedback is included in the current test version.

Take a look and see if that works :wink:

PiHole Control | Homey

Hi Ronny,

It looks good. PI-Hole is up to date now. So cannot test if it works. But i am confident. I have 3 minor things.

See picture below.
Core update is translated in to dutch to kern. It is correct but feels weird for me. I think it is better to keep it as core. As well in the card for this. But that is completely my opinion.
The ad percentage is a lot of decimal points. I think that rounding it to 1 or 2 is more the enough.
Hours, minutes and second is in german. Not in dutch. It should be something like d for dagen(days), u for uren (hours) and m or min. for minuten (minutes).

Keep up the good work!

Greets Roy

Hello Roy

Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

Translations → done in new test version

Blocked ads % → done in new test version

Interestingly, I have prepared the translations for the % display, but not implemented them :frowning:

New test version

Thank you very much Ronny,

Looks perfect now!



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Fantasic app, I would love the possibility to (when “domain” visited!)

Hello Peter

I’ll be happy to take a look at it when I get the chance.

I’ll have to see if I can access it with the API, I assume that’s not possible.



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Hello TroRon,

I’ m unable to login. Just keeps spinning. Does it work when your PiHole is protected with a password? (Maybe I have to turn that off)?

In the end it just says: “PAIRSESSION_NOT_FOUND”

PiHole version: 5.18.3

Greets Edgar