[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

I have setup vthermo app to control many of my thermostats and heaters. One thermos device pr zone. Piggy is set to control the temperature her. And this works very well.

But does Piggy see the W used? I am thinking about how to limit the max usage per day?
Looking at Homey, Vtherme has W but no data is shown in the insights.

Piggy does not look at the W used except for the Easee charger. Other than that it only gets it from the Power meter in the fuse cabinet. (as long as you’re feeding Piggy with it)

It will probably start looking at W for other devices at the same time as I implement this feature though.

So you want a max usage per day as well as per hour?
I could probably add that as part of this feature. Although, it’s a bit down on the priority list, so might take a while. (maybe a money used per day limit is better than a kWh limit per day, what do you think?)

Thank you! I thought that the use of W would help improve the algorithm by knowing what to turn off.
And enable loadbalancing. So say charging to cars at the max W available for that day - the use for heating. If each device reports W, you would know how much you need to scale back/turn off.

I do not need per hour though. I am looking for the ideal balance between “Nettleie” and Kost pr kWh

At some point I will probably try to automatically suggest when it’s good to change.

When the hourly consumption starts looking like this it’s probably a good time to change though:
If no room is left for moving energy usage between hours then the gain of having a lower power tariff is probably lost due to having to use power in the most expensive hours.

True. thanks

Today I pushed the new version with graphs to stable. There is one thing you should notice though, it’s that the current version show everything that has been accumulated since I added the new archive system. This has never been the plan though as some kind of expiration limit is needed to avoid reduced performance over time. I did make the expiration configurable and it can be set using the parameters shown in the snapshot below, however the data does not yet expire. I did it this way specifically for you to be able to change these limits (or give me feedback on whether the default values are ok or not) before I add the actual expiration in the next version:

So what do you think?
The graphs for “Year” will never expire.
The graph for “Month” will expire after the “Daily expiration time” as this shows data logged per day.
The graph for “Day” will expire after the “Hourly expiration time” as this shows data logged per hour.

The default values are given in number of days.

Does anyone else struggle to get into the setup interface lately?

  • Android Phone through the Homey App: Seems to be difficult to access the interface from a mobile network, but mostly ok over wireless.
  • Iphone???
  • Using the web Interface seems to be ok: Homey Developer Tools

I am just wondering how common this problem is.

Android Samsung 22-

  • no Issues with setup
    -Home Developer Tools :
  • no Issues with the setup

Other Stuff:

Seems like I have problem getting updated Spotprice since around 02.00; so the price app change price to Normal.

Not sure if this is connected, however Log says:
+13:24:2.384: Failed checking electricity price API: app_not_found
+13:24:2.386: Please install the app “Strømregning” to fetch electricity prices

Is Strømregningen the prefered way over Spotprice?

The internal option for Spot price is the preferred as it does not require a new app to be installed.
Strømregning is preferred for some users if they already use it to configure prices as they don’t have to configure the price two places then…

With Internal Option - PristType “SpotPris” selected, the price fall backs to “Normal” with the Timeline message in Norwegian:

Ingen fremtidige priser er tilgjengelig. Tvinger prispunkt til Normalpris inntil situasjonen har løst seg"

The Setup Page (Home Page) for Piggy Bank shows the same error message in Red.

I Expect that I just have to wait, but is there any places for me to check manually if the errormessage is “true” ? With New things I often tends to jump into the trobuleshooting starting to restart/reinstalling/testing other options…

I have no issues with iPhone.

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I believe that if you install the “piggybank insights” device then the current price will show as unavailable for this case, but I’m not 100% sure how it will behave. So… did you change to automatic + spot price or is it still using the external price (from the Strømregning app)?

I believe that if you install the “piggybank insights” device then the current price will show as unavailable for this case, but I’m not 100% sure how it will behave. So… did you change to automatic + spot price or is it still using the external price (from the Strømregning app)?

PB was standing to Automatic and Spot Price. Error message that told me it was not updating occoured around 02.00 . - flipped several of the settings without any success in the morning leaving it to Automatic and Spot Price… suddently arround 17.00 a message arrived that it got the Price again. And after that it looks good.
Strømregning app is not installed on this homey. I think it was uninstalled a few months ago. Long before installing Piggy Bank, so therefor it is a bit strange that the log entry for Strømregning shows up in the log.

It is working now, so I can look more into it if it occours again…

I believe I only put it in the log if you have selected “Automatic → Price from external app”.
If not it’s probably a minor bug.

It’s odd that it took so long to fetch the prices. The app only tries to fetch the future prices once in the beginning of every new hour if it doesn’t have the prices already for the next 12 hours. I guess it might have been unlucky when trying to fetch it. Once I noticed that the source of the prices (entsoe.com) was missing prices for the day ahead so piggy was running without prices for about 6 hours without anything I could have done (I tried to politely ask if I could fetch the prices from nordpool.no in situations like this but they refused me to do so without paying a whopping 5900 EUR per year even if they have an open unencrypted and un-authenticated API - which to me is a bit weird and in violation with their own policy.) Luckily this was a very rare happening though as entsoe.com seem to be quite reliable, so I see no reason to pay 5900 EUR every year to get 6 hours more up-time per year. At least not when I don’t have any income on this project :sweat_smile:

When is this release planned?

The plan was today, but I just noticed something odd so maybe I’ll postpone it to tomorrow evening. (assuming you’re referring to the current test release)

Thank you for the source and sync details.

5900 EUR was way out my expectations for this kind of usage. Sounds like Nord Pool is operating with other kinds of customers …

I have setup PB to get prices via a flow,
And tell PB if the current price is high og low. (five levels)

But the app still says: “Du har valgt prispunkt fra flytkort, men ingen slik…”


I do see that PB changes the state correctly.

Am I missing something?

You’re probably hit by this issue.

That is, once a price point changes using a flow it is remembered…but once Piggy restarts due to an update or reboot or whatever reason it forgets, so a new flow need to be triggered for it to remember again. I will do something about this but it hasn’t been very high on the priority list :wink:

Downloaded and installed the app, but when trying to open configuration, i get error.

Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘getTime’)