OK, thanks.
I’ll add the code to the app.
Mirror added to my todo list, GO added to next update.
Hi there.
I’ll have a look at it, see github.
Hi there.
I am currently not able to add this functionality.
I suggest you add a logic check for a variable of your choice instead.
Thanks for your quick reply and for the tip😉Have a great day
I recently bought a Philips Hue white and color Ambience bulb to replace a Yeelight bulb that no longer connects to the mains.
I downloaded the Philips Hue app without the bridge (because I don’t have the bridge) on my Homey pro but I can’t see the lamp. I bought a remote to do the reset and still nothing. I can’t find Zigbee without a name either.
Any ideas or do I have to take everything back to the store?
Hi @phil01, if you have a remote switch (the rectangle shaped with four buttons) it should put your lightbulb into pairing mode when you press and hold the on and off buttons simultaneously VERY close to the bulb until it is done blinking and stuff…
If you have problems adding the bulb as a Hue Without the Bridge device, please disable the app and try adding the bulb as generic Zigbee. If this works please send me the Zigbee info for the device. If it still does not pair the problem is not within the app but rather a generic pairing issue that normally can be solved.
Thanks Johan_bendz for your information.
I have already tried to reset via dimmer switch 2 but nothing on the Philips Hue witout bridge app and nothing either with Homey Zigbee.
Tonight I will try by uninstalling Philips Hue.
I tried by uninstalling philips Hue without bridge, and nothing in Zigbee either, neither the bulb nor the remote control is found.
I see the bulb in Bluetooth on the phone, the remote works well with the bulb.
I’m a little lost, I thought it worked better than Yeelight but obviously not really.
Sounds like you have a generic Zigbee issue.
Please have a look here: https://support.homey.app/hc/en-us/articles/360019240259-Resolving-Zigbee-pairing-issues
I uninstalled 3 zigbee devices on batteries but still no associations neither Zigbee nor on the philips without bridge app.
Request for adding Tap Dial
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Device Hue Tap -kytkin valkoinen – Älykäs kaukosäädin | Philips Hue FI (sorry for Finnish version, I guess you anyway get the details needed.
Hi, is the three spot Philips Hue Centris panel supported by this app? I can not see it in the supported devices. However all the other centris lights are? Does anyone know?
Regards Markus
If you search this topic for the mentioned Zigbee ID 5060931P7 you will find out, that this device isn’t supported by the app yet.
Thanks for the request, it’s on my “todo list”.
I will add support for your devices in the next update of the app.
Hi all.
New test version out, please verify functionality if you are able. I will release it to Live only after enough testing.
I’m especially interested in if anyone have issues with the plugs and/or sensors.
Zigbee should be more rapid and less likely to cause trouble with this release, do tell if you think it has improved.
// Johan
Hi @johan_bendz,
I have just one Smart Plug (LOM001) and one Outdoor Sensor (SML002). The other Philips Hue devices are lamps and switches.
I installed the test version 2.0.42 this morning and after that everything worked as expected.
But due to maintenance, I had to disconnect the Smart Plug and 2 LightStrips Plus from the power.
After I plugged the devices back in and waited a bit, various ZigBee devices stopped working (I tested 7 lamps and the SmartPlug out of a total of 36 ZigBee devices). I also tried to interview some ZigBee devices, without success.
So I did a PTP and now everything works again as expected, also the SmartPlug and the Outdoor Sensor.
Thanks! Please send a crash report from the app if it happens again.
// Johan
Unfortunately the Hue Being Ceiling is not working, i had good hopes. Is it possible to add this next update? It is the same as the LTC001, only the product number is now 929003055201
Materialnumber is 929003055201
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