[App][Pro] PaperTrails Log - Advanced Logging and SysLog

Sorry to nag perhaps, but any news on this, @Dijker?

Hello, @dijker?!

Hi Guys,
Sorry to have you wait here so long,
For me now it look like something from my past live,
Published end may 2019…
I published the last version in a hurry as I moved to a different place, had to spend a lot time rebuilding me new house and moving to is and then less than a year later also started a new Job that took a lot energy.

As I have moved/changed some computer I need to look if I find back the latest Code and how I published it for this site.

Beside that I also want to find a way to do above Flow and Log management easier.

Due to new Job and different situation I am already more than 8h a day behind my computer and didn’t find the energy to spend much free time behind the PC for Programming.
Filling the small timeslots now most with reading and managing the community from my phone.
(Beside testing the Bridge and Homey Cloud as that was also a non-payed time)

I Think I have some nice ideas for My Apps like Papertrails but still didn’t take the time to realize them.

Also the fact that Athom won’t allow Papertrails on the new Homey Cloud made me think if I should continue with Papertrails this way or think about a new way is that makes it maybe possible to provide also a Homey (cloud) option.

What do you guys think:

  • Should the be some kind of logging for Homey (Cloud) (to a Cloud service)?
  • Should Homey Pro provide Local logging?

Maybe if I find energy and time this winter I can spend some time on Papertrails and on Apps but this (Programming) isn’t my profession.


It’s just an awesome app, Geurt!

  • Not for me, but on the other side, I think it can come in very handy for user support from here.
  • Yes, but doesn’t it already with Papertrails? Maybe I don’t get your Q right :grin:

Thx for the reply, @Dijker.
I agree with @Peter_Kawa. I own a Pro, so for me only that integration is important. But I can imagine Papertrails could be a big help for Cloud users too.

Papertrails is by far sufficient for my needs, so no need to change the way of logging for me.

If only the “bug” that adds a THEN into the ELSE flowcards when automating these additions from the website were eliminated, I would already be happy!

Indeed; the app and website are just great as they are for me. :slight_smile:

It is more if I create a new app for only remote logging, do we still need the current version with local logging and remote logging? I was thinking of simplifying things. So simplicity vs security vs possibilities.
Imo writing a lot local also is at a cost that flash memory degrades. Not sure how much impact that has at the moment.

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Ah yes that’s clear.
For me, online NAS and/or cloud storage is a good idea, as long as local storage stays an option, or some kind of cueue mechanism in case of network / internet outage.
Because at the moment, if we talk about your app only:

  • for me, Papertrails is the only app that writes logs 99,x% of the time
  • the Homey timeline does not, as it can get “rate limited” without any warning
  • the wifi connection stays flaky at times: At the moments an app misbehaves, the Wifi connection sometimes drops for a moment (where’s the LAN connector :grin:)
    Writing to a local NAS or online log server at that moment will fail, or the log messages should be cueued and sent when back online
    • Homey Push messages, or other online log tools will fail too at those moments; there’s no cueue mechanism afaik

This is a good point. There’s lots of writes to flash memory by Homey itself already.

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Hi Geurt,

this logging feature looks like very interesting for me, but unfortunately only for the Pro, not for the Bridge. Any development plans in that direction?

Regards, Wim

These types of apps (“tools”) won’t be made available for the Bridge (Athom’s words).


Is there a way to correct the time? All time stuff is correct but even though that’s the case the syslog server receives the entry an hour early. So when the event get’s triggered at 10pm it is listed in the syslog server 9pm.

I guess it has something to do with the way Homey handles time settings.

Very satisfied with the current app.
Not planning to switch to homey cloud, but if I had one, this would be an app I really really missed

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Is this app still being developped or supported?
I reported via github 2 issues, but it seems there is not a lot of response anymore, also older issues are not being updated.

Hopefully the developer reads this forum as well.

I reported a bug when a syslog server is used and you disable the RFC5424 option in the settings menu.
When this option is disabled and you create a syslog message then the first word of your message send to your syslog server is removed… message ‘this is a test’ saves on syslog server ‘is a test’
When the RFC option is enabled then the message is complete but you also have a timestamp and program name as prefix before your (complete) message, this extra info is also added by the syslog server…

If possible please fix the bug where the first word is removed when the RFC option is disabled, that would be great!

I also posted in github a feature request.
If possible to add a profile or extra flow card so you only have to enter the log message, the info, level etc is added from a profile or default setting from settings menu.


I kindly want to suggest to read some posts first before asking. There’s info on this.
Here (5 posts above yours) the busy Dev explains his future ideas with Papertrails / asks for input:
[App][Pro] PaperTrails Log - Advanced Logging and SysLog - #106 by Henk_Renting.
So, your input and request is cool, but the app in it’s current state won’t be updated I guess

New with the PaperTrails app and I have setup PaperTrails to export the log to my Synology nas. That is working fine but the only thing I see is that there is a two hour (earlier) time difference.
My timezone settings are correct (Amsterdam) so I wonder how this can be and if I can fix this somehow?


Homey uses UTC time for a while now, because of, as they say, the new Homey cloud version. Read the discussion here

This forced devs to rewrite their apps (if applicable).

I call BS.

I know :upside_down_face:

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Okay, thanks. Who knows the app will get an update that will fix this.

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Any news on further development, @Dijker?
I have always used this app with great pleasure.
But now I noticed automatic adding flowcards to my flows by visiting https://homeybackup.web.app/papertrails doesn’t work anymore… :frowning:
It does connect to my Homey (I see the past log on the site after logging in), but when I try to add cards to my flows, nothing happens…
Can we do something else to make it easier for you to maintain the app and site?

Hi @Henk_Renting
I just tested and yes I have to confirm adding to all Flows is broken, I guess also the Restore is broken now.
Fixing it will take time to concentrate and dig up the work from 3 years ago.

Sorry I still have no timeframe if / when I will continue development.