[APP][PRO] Outdoor AirQuality Monitor (Luftdaten)

Outdoor AirQuality Monitor

Know the air pollution levels, in near real-time, at many locations in the world.

Add one or multiple virtual outdoor air quality monitors to Homey. The information is made available free of charge by a number of services. Depending on the service and station you select, the following parameters are provided:

  • PM2.5
  • PM10
  • O3 (Ozone)
  • SO2 (sulfur dioxide)
  • NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
  • CO (carbon monoxide)
  • BC (black carbon, only available with OpenAQ in certain countries)
  • Temperature (only available with Luftdaten)
  • Pressure (only available with Luftdaten)
  • Humidity (only available with Luftdaten)
  • Noise (only available with Luftdaten)


Air Quality Monitor Device setup

When adding a device, you can choose which service provider to use. Deciding on which service to use depends on your personal preferences, and mostly if the the service has monitoring stations nearby. Check the different coverages for your own location in the maps below.


By default the virtual monitor will be ā€˜installedā€™ at the location of your Homey. If you choose the @Homey station, Homey will always search the nearest source of data. If you select any of the other discovered stations, Homey will always use that particular station as data source. If you want to add a station anywhere else in the world, just add a local station first, and change the lat/lon in the device settings.


OpenAQ Monitor

This free service provides government and research grade sources in over 60 countries. This service provides the easiest setup. Data is usually updated every hour.

OpenAQ Coverage Map

WAQI Monitor

This service provides government and research grade sources in over 90 countries. It has better coverage then OpenAQ, but it needs an API key. You can get a free API key here.

WAQI Coverage Map

Luftdaten Monitor

Luftdaten is dedicated to fine dust measurement with the Citizen Science project luftdaten.info. Thousands of citizens around the world installed self-built sensors on the outside their home. The data is limited to only show PM2.5 and PM10, but has a very high update rate up to once every minute.

LD Coverage Map

Manually changing device settings

After adding a new monitor device, you can change the device settings.


Creating a flow

You can trigger a flow on every change in value:


The measured data is available as token cards:



If you like the app you can show your appreciation by posting it in the forum. If you really like the app you can buy me a beer.

Paypal donate

This app uses:


Version changelog: changelog.txt


opeaq_worldmap_500 worldmap_waqi_500





Looks good ā€¦ where do i get it

working on itā€¦ Hang on :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: :+1:

Get it from Github, or wait for the Homey appstore release ā€¦

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Not sure how that works. Will wait for the app via Homey

Thanks for the work on the app :+1:

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Nice work! Iā€™ll definitely give the app a try.


Nice work! Iā€™ve been using AQICN for getting my data with the HTTP appā€¦ looks like this might replace it!

Edit: Darn, not available for my locale in South East Asiaā€¦ I wonder how easy it is to use the API from AQICN

Interesting! Iā€™ll look into it. If it provides compatible data I might be able to add it as an alternative data source.

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The app is available NOW in the appstore :partying_face:

To everyone: Install it and let me know what you think of it.



Nice app Robin!
Unfortunately there are no stations close to where I live so I had to change the Max. range setting. That made me wonder, how far is that station located from my position?
Would it be possible to retrieve/calculate and show the distance to the selected station?

Oh, and good news for homeydash.com users, it works out of the box!

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Very nice that it works in homeydash! I didnā€™t have time to check that yet.

The distance is already there, but hidden in the app logs. I even made a clickable link that takes you to google.maps :yum:

Found it distance: 32674.406719985833 guess itā€™s in meters, pretty accurate :wink:

Maybe worth mentioning in a FAQ in the first or second post. (And I wouldnā€™t mind seeing it in a field on the settings pages.)

Thx 4 the feedback! That helps me make software design decissions for the next release. :kissing_heart:

The distance is actually dynamic, and can be different between polls and per parameter. For each parameter I take the closest valid value. Also this strategy is something I am still evaluating. Depending on what I decide on the long term I might display the station and/or distance e.g. in the device settings.


Although I find this very interesting, I wonder what the use case is for this information. What would you control with this data available? Or if itā€™s just information you want to know (Show it on a display or something, and donā€™t want to control anything with it): Why would you want to know this? Would you think ā€œWow, thereā€™s a lot of O3 today, I stay insideā€? Would this information make your life more comfortable?

Imagine living here

A quick rise in some valueā€™s are worth being notified of.
But yeah itā€™s also a case of ā€˜Just because we canā€™

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Exactly! And I have my ventilation system (WTW) shutting down now on high levels of pollution. That is a real useful use case I thinkšŸ¤—

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Here in Singapore, the transboundary haze can get quite bad with forest fires raging in the hotter months in Indonesia and Malaysia. The information gives me early warning to run the air purifier on full blast and close all the windows so I donā€™t wake up in the middle of the night choking especially with a little one in the home.


My API key from AQICN got activated this morning. Iā€™m now rewriting the app to see if I can add them. They provide the locations and data in quite a different way, so need a lot of time to find a solution. But I think it is worth it since they have many more worldwide locations available!