[App][Pro] Nous - Save energy, increase security and comfort of your home and create amazing ambiances

I tried to connect the brown cable to both I and O and it doesn’t work

Hi ,

You must understand that B1Z module when activated closes contact between it’s 0 and I outputs. It’s made to replace or complete your existing mecanical switch.

So to get it working, you must connect the input Live to the I and the load Live to the 0. In your installation, if the white cable is your load, you must add Live (brown) to the I and connect your load Live (brown) to the 0.
Adding a small cable between the L and the I of your module should do it but I DON’T EXACTLY KNOW HOW YOUR INSTALLATION IS MADE ! Once again, please remember to stay safe when handling electricity and always test first under safe conditions.
And don’t play with electricity if you don’t know exactly what you are doing !
I couldn’t be responsible of anything that could happen.


Thank you it works.

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Hi! I have just bought two new “NOUS Smart LCD Temperature and Humidity Sensor E6”, and the device signature (Manufacturer ID) is “_TZE200_wtikaxzs”. If you have time to add this signature, it would also be much appreciated. (Product ID: TS0601).
Both the indoor and outdoor Smart Socket works perfectly. Kudos!

Good morning,

I want to use the double relay Nous B3Z normally compatible with Homey. When I initialize it I only find the consumption measurement and a single relay as in the screenshot… Is there a way to control the 2 relays separately…

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Better use that threat.

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I thought that the first module was only the energy manager and the second module was the relay.
The first module acts as a relay and energy manager.
Thank you very much :grinning:


Hi all,

In reply of Anders_Bjerin post :

A new version of Homey Nou App has just been published with ‘_TZE200_wtikaxzs’ signature for NOUS Smart LCD Temperature and Humidity Sensor (E6).


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Wow! That was fast. The 2.6.9 TEST version works perfectly with my new “Nous LCD temperature and humidity sensor E6”. Temperature and humidity are correctly reported and updated regularly. Many thanks!
One small note: on the overview page (where you can read the temperature and humidity), it also reports “lime” (under the clock icon). I guess it should be “time”, although the unit has no clock as far as I know.

Hi Anders_Bjerin,

You’re right, sensor_time was only for testing purpose.
I updated the test version removing this sensor.


Top-notch :slight_smile: .


Great work for the App! I just stumbled on some Nous products and have a few running with Tasmota. I am also looking for smart lights/dimmers. I’ve seen they offer the GU10 Matter lights (Nous P8), is there any outlook on supporting these?

Hi Martin072,

Nous App only support Nous Zigbee devices.
Matter device should be supported by Homey native Matter driver.


Hi all,

A new version of Homey Nou App has just been published.

This version adds compatibility for 3 brand new NOUS Zigbee device :

Smart Din Smart Switch 16A (Nous D1Z)

Smart Din Smart Switch 20A (Nous D2Z)

Smart Din Smart Switch 25A (Nous D3Z)

Get this new test version on Homey App catalog :


Not sure if this is the correct thread to post my issue but here it goes.
I bought 2 Nous A6Z sockets and started adding these to my Homey (Early 2018). I just started adding the device, it was found but then I got the message that it will be added as a generic device. I now know that it was a mistake to add the device before installing the Nous app. The second socket I installed after I installed Nous app and this one is working just fine. The problem with the first installed socket is that even if I remove it and add it back, I still get the message “It seems that you don’t have an app installed for this device, that’s why it’s being added as an Unknown Zigbee Device”. I already tried it a couple of times but it keeps coming back as Unknown Device and therefore is not displaying all the features. I tried to use the Interview feature on Developer page but this did not help.

Devices are having slightly different information in the Zigbee section on the Developer page:

I assume that I need to somehow completely, differently remove that Unknown devices so I can add it back as a fully functioning Nous socket but I have run out of ideas.

Hi b4yani,

Welcome on Homey Nous community Thread !

I saw your unknown device ID in your screenshot.
The problem is that it’s not recognized by Nous App in A6Z device driver.

I add it in a new version, actually in test :

Can you test it with your unknown device and tell me ?


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Thank you for the test version. The socket was now correctly recognized as Nous devices and it showing power consumption. However under Zigbee devices it is not used as a router, which might be ok but it also is not showing the Route as all my other Zigbee devices do.

Also, now its not possible to turn it on/off from the app. There are no errors shown. When I try to turn it on or off in the app, it changes the device icon, like its off but actually nothing happens. However when I use the physical button on the socket, it obviously works and its also correctly reflected in the app.

Hi b4yani,

The driver is the same for all A6Z devices.

In your screenshot, the device is displayed as a router (‘Router’), as attended.
But if the second A6Z does not work as the first one, could you try to remove it, restart app and repair it ?


Hello, I have a NOUS A8M device and I would like to ask if there is a way to add it to Homey Pro so that it shows the socket’s power consumption. Through Matter, I can only turn it on and off.

Hi Viliam_Vojcek,

Nous App only support Nous Zigbee devices.
