[App][Pro] Nous - Save energy, increase security and comfort of your home and create amazing ambiances

Hi Olegs_Pavlovs,

NOUS Smart RGB Bulb E14 (P4) is a Wifi, Tuya Smart compatible, device.
Homey Nous App is only for NOUS Zigbee devices.


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Despite the update, the NOUS LZ3 valve closes when the power is turned back on in the event of a power outage, which is very annoying.

Do you have a solution?

Hi NICO1234,

I’ve tested it again and it works fine on my device.

Did you control setting for ‘Valve status after powerfail’ on your device settings page ?
Which option is activated ?


Malgré redemarage de l’appli et de Homey, en cas de coupure de courant, la valve se ferme et reste fermée à la remise sous tension se qui est problématique

Hi NICO1234,

Please, continue using English in this Forum, you can PM me if you prefer speaking French.

Strange because :

  • In case of power outage, I didn’t notice the valve closes, I think it stays as it. I will control on mine.
  • I’m also going to test again because mine perfectly returns in previous state after power fail.


In case of power failure, the valve remains in the state it was in during the power failure.

When the power is restored, it closes systematically despite the setting in the parameters


Ok, that’s the normal way.

Did you try other settings like “Always On” to see if valve goes on after restoring power ?

I suggest you send me a bug report 1 minute after applying setting “Last known state”.


Hi! maybe this is a stupid question but when looking at the app in the homey store, this is the official app developed by “Nous Technologies”, but as far as i can see on all the posts that you write in here SergeP, you seem like a hard working person who does this development for free and don’t have any affiliation with Nous or Homey team. The reason why i am asking is that i am trying to figure out if i should invest in more of Nous products, but if this app might suddenly stop being developed on because it’s just a single person and life happens, then i might be a bit more reluctant. Hope it’s okay to ask that and thanks for the hard work no matter what :slight_smile:

Hi Nicki,

Your questions and doubts are normal, I’m afraid I won’t give you a satisfying answer.
The fact is home automation is in constant moving and whatever you choose or wherever you go, you will not be sure of anything.

Yes, I’m a free developper, I love it and I love what I do for Homey Community (and for my own use too). But as you said, Nous App is tagged “Official App” developed by "Nous Technologies”.
This means Nous Technologies corp asked Athom to get an official agreement for Homey and we arranged to get my work as ‘official’ for Homey and Nous Technologies.
To do this, I also had to accept the constraints of Nous for Homey App. But I don’t receive any money for that, I don’t have any privilege, except getting from Nous new products before others.

At this time, Nous App is used by 2 791 diferent users on 7 000+ devices.
And I don’t think Nous Technologies will imagine one day leaving all this behind… with or without me.

Remember: Athom wanted to be free, it now belongs to LG… Nothing is sure about HA…


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I don’t find a way for calibrate the B4Z on Homey app. (100% open/100% close)
There is a way for do it.

THX for help

Hi Alexandre_They,

Did you try the ‘Calibration mode’ on settings ?



i gona try, i don’t see it on setting.

Hi guys,

Merry Christmas!!

Today, all of my Nous smart plug stop working. Have tried restarting the Nous app as well a Homey. So far, nothing seems to work.

Here is a diagnostic report:


Although I have a few Homey, I am still using my 2018 Homey as I am unable to use my 2023 homey due to some legacy apps for my curtains.

Seems like the Zigbee is really giving problem. Anyone else having similar issues?

Hi Benny_Ng,

Zigbee network seems to be a pain for H2019 users.
I got your log report, there is nothing on it ! Nothig in stdout (normal output) nor stderr (error output).
Seems to be the same Zigbee bug of H2019 you can find many in Homey Forums.

You can try to reset your Homey Zigbee Network but I don’t know if you’ll keep all your devices (please tell me).

App ID

App Version

Homey Version

Stack Trace
Note: this log has been manually submitted by a user.

Log ID: 2504fdaf-128a-4278-876d-2dae211eba53

User Message:
All the smart plugs cannot be turn On/Off anymore. Have tried to restart app, and turn off homey. So far nothing works.

---- stdout ----

---- stderr ----


Thanks SoPhos!

I put the Homey in recovery mode and reloaded V12.2.0 instead of resetting the zigbee network. Seems to have recovered the functionality of the Nous smart plugs for now. Let’s hope this work.

Strange that the other zigbee devices are working fine except for Nous smart plugs. The motion sensors from Ikea and Aqara were still triggering the lights without issue. Ikea smart plugs were working too. Perhaps something didn’t play well with something else. I guess we will never know.


Nice… Don’t have any explanation for this kind of bug with Homey 2019 Zigbee network.
Happy all is working back now.


Thanks for all your work!
I see Nous has released new, matter compatible WiFi plugs: A8M which are quite cheap. Do these work in the app, or is adding these on the roadmap?

Hi sebmar,

Nous App only support Nous Zigbee devices.

Matter device should be supported by Homey native Matter driver.
Have you tried this ?


Hello, I’d like to ask how to wire the power cable and the LED transformer using the Nous B1Z module. Specifically, do I connect the phase (L) from the main supply to the Nous module’s “L” input, then take the neutral (N) from the main supply and connect it both to the transformer’s neutral and the module’s “N” input? After that, do I run a wire from the module’s “O” (output) terminal to the transformer’s live input?

I want to make sure I’m doing it correctly. Thank you in advance!

Hi Lukas_Moravcik,

You can get NOUS B1Z manual at this link : Nous B1Z ZigBee Smart Switch Module (1 channel, no PM) - Nous technology

As you can see, the correct output wiring keeps the neutral from the power source. This is to avoid neutral crossing isolation when power is cut on electrical panel.

Please remember to stay safe when handling electricity and always test first under safe conditions.
