[App][Pro] myStrom - Smart Home


Hello Chris. When can we expect an integration of the new WiFi Button Max? Greetings Ralf

Could be, I can not promise. Because first of all I don’t have a button and secondly I’m currently rewriting the DingzApp, which will surely take some time…


Hi Chris,
I just experienced my Swisscom router forgetting all IP leases after FW update.
As a consequence all mystrom devices got new IPs and Homey couldn’t find them any more.
To fix this issue I tried to assign fixed IPs on the Swisscom router.
The first device (a Motion Sensor PIR FW 4.0.4) worked fine and is visible in MyStrom app and Homey.
→ Factory reset; connect WiFi via MyStrom app; adding device to MyStrom; adding device to Homey; replacing all ‘old’ Flow cards with ones connected to the new IP device
==> everything works fine.

Then I did exactly the same for one of the switches (type WS2 FW 4.0.12)
everything work fine until I add the device to Homey.
It shows up as a device, but is shown ‘offline’ (and it actually does not react on commands → message ‘device offline’)
→ I tried to do that whole procedure again (just o be sure not to have mistyped anything) → no improvement.

So, I abandoned the attempt with all further devices. I removed the devices from Homey and added them again (using still DHCP) … all fine for those.

… finally I tried to remove the fixed IP assignment from the Motion sensor (the one that didn’t work with fixed IP). But it only shows up in the MyStrom world (app & troubleshooting) but does not show up as. new device in Homey.

Two problems remaining:

  1. Motion Sensor is not shown as new device even after factory reset and the whole installation process.
  2. Switch can be added to Homey, but is constantly shown as offline (even if it works with MyStrom app and Apple Home)

… any hint, where I can continue my hunt for a solution?

Have you read the nodes ?

The myStrom “mDNS Service” is a proprietary product, so if it works with the myStrom app, that doesn’t mean it will also work for Homey. If you do it as described, it should work.

What does the Simple(Sys)Log say?

I can see in SimpleLog that Homey tries to reach the Switch with the last known DHCP IP. (x.x.x.140) and not the fixed one (x.x.x.21)
---- SimpleLog export

2023-12-11 07:11:34 Error Device myStrom-SmartHome mystrom-switch-b0422c > getDeviceValues() > Get device-data failed
2023-12-11 07:11:34 Error Device myStrom-SmartHome mystrom-switch-b0422c > getDeviceData() - ‘report’ > Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH x.x.x.140:80
2023-12-11 07:11:34 Error Device myStrom-SmartHome mystrom-switch-b0422c > HttpAPI > GET ‘report’ > connect EHOSTUNREACH x.x.x.140:80

The motion sensor is not visible at all.

Then you just have to delete the device in Homey, restart the myStrom app and add it again…

… that’s what I did already several times.
It worked for all the devices I did not assign a fixed IP … and for the first motion sensor I assigned a fixed IP and it worked. The second one did not.
Here is a screenshot from MyStrom Troubleshooting tool:

… you can see the ‘old’ IP address is still there and shown as ‘offline’

After starting the app, discovery notice messages from the myStrom devices are displayed in the simpleLog. Is the pir included there?

BDW: The sensor with the Mac-Adr: DA0B8 is present twice, so one way or another something cannot be right.

Your question - PIR included: no
Your statement - DA0B8 is there twice: that’s my point. → do you know, how to the the legacy entry out of the list?

If you don’t have an entry, the sensor won’t connect to the app either…

Nope, I have a unifi network and I have never encountered this problem, so ask myStrom :man_shrugging:

… thanks for the information and the hint where to continue

:blush::ok_hand: !!

good day, i buy 2 my strong button , i configure them on my strom app, but now i can not add to my homey devices .

can you help me to understand how i can add or pair with homey ’ thank you

Yes but I only read that can take 4 minutes to add . And I wait but no button found

Hi Chris,

I tried everything possible but the detection of my myStrom devices (I have switches and button) is not working. When I try to add devices, it is returning directly after 3 seconds saying no device found.

My guess is that somehow the UDP 7979 is blocked on my network (I have an netgear Orbi) … but strangely in the mystrom app on my mobile it is working.

Is there any way to do the setup manually (config file or other) by giving the device type, IP, … ??

Hi Patrick,

Then you have a problem, because the “Discovery Service” is a self-made service and unfortunately does not conform to any standard. If you find an entry in the SimpleLog, the device registers with the app and you can pair it.

If not, then :man_shrugging: !!


Gruss Chris