[APP][Pro] Kia and Hyundai

I have shared my Kia account with my wife’s Kia account. I have deleted the Kia in the Homey and added it again. Still without success!

Here’s another log

Hi Robin,
Can you give me advice on settings to register:
Starr and End of charging?
For ‘Alerts’ and ‘Calculations’

Afraid to drain 12v battery i’d like your advice/tip.

Kind regards,

Sorry, dont understand what you mean.

The default app settungs are safe to use. There is a rate limit that is probably 150 polls per day in EU region.

Hi Robin,
Such swift reply. Thanks.

My thoughta are…
Charging starts with engine off. And 24/7 setting default is 0 (zero). So, I understood that no data will be sent until first time engine is ‘on’. So start charging and end charging (or battery 100#) will not then not be recieved.

So i need to set 24/7 to ‘some’ value (15 minutes?) to receive mentioned data (with 15 min delay). And then i’m anxioys of battery drainage on other times when engine is off without charging.

Perhaps i understood wrong

Kind regards,

PS: wunderfull app, allready able to caculate lot’s of statistics!

You can always send a command to the car at any time (just not too often, max 150 commands in total per day). You do not need to force an update to start/stop charging.

Thanks Robin for your kind reply.
I fear i havn’t been clear in my question.

I wish to receive the messages/triggers: charger on and charger off. This way i can trigger a message ‘remove car from charging pole’ and calculate ‘’amount of % ev-battery’ gained (with wich i can approx calculate amount of kWh gained)
(So, just receiving these updates and NOT intended to (intelligently) start and stop charging)

So the question is what setting can i safely set to receive these triggers? (Without draining 12v Bat)
I’ve now set 24/7 (engine off) to 15 (minutes)
Wixh would be 24*4=96 updates/day?

Sorry to bother you once more on this.

Kind regards,

Just try it. I think it stays within the rate limit. But be aware that it will definitely drain the 12V battery! If you use your car every day maybe it is okay. But actually I would advise not to actively poll when the car is off.

v3.0.5 was just released.

  • Ignore missing location info (KIA EV9).

The EV9 sends its location data different from other cars. I created the update so that the Homey app will not crash. But the functionality in Homey will be limited with an EV9.

Ah! Thanks! Clear

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Many thx for your kind donation @sadi ! Much appreciated :beer::heart:

Thank you, at least the range and 12V battery work.

Do you still need the car sharing, maybe you would like to have a look?

No, you can stop sharing.

I’m trying to get things working with the Kia app, but I somehow seem to be running into something that I think should already been fixed (?)

When I perform an action (e.g. start AC) that works fine, but if I then start another action it fails (bad request, invalid request body- invalid device id). I read that that happens because the deviceid changes after every action, but wasn’t this already fixed?

Hi Robin,
Sorry but may I come back again to the ‘polling during engine off’ question (for my Kona EV).

Update during engine off’?
Today I received a ‘car parked’ update 10 min after ‘engine off’. This altough my ‘24/7 update in engine off’ is set to ‘0’ (null).

  • How did i recieve this update?(Push?)
  • How did i receive this without 24/7 polling (pull)

Info found - correct?
In your ‘manual’ (setting/ beside log) you seem to indicate that some updates will be received without polling. Is this correct? Also somewhere in this chat you seem to mention that ‘car parked’ is always received 10 min after engine off?

Desired functionality
The function i wish to create is ‘Start Charging’ and ‘End charging’ (usually during engine off).
If ‘Car parked’ is always received that could be a perfect start for regular ‘refresh’ during charging & engine off.

Sorry to bother you again.
Kind regards,

This is how that works:
When your car is parked it will send a status update to the Kia server (no polling needed). The Homey app polls the server every 15 minutes (can be changed in settings). So the Homey app will then get the stored status information (location, battery status, odometer), and will conclude that it is parked.
Server polling does not use any car resources, so the 12V battery is not used for that. Kia does however limit the number of server requests per day

Hi Robin,
A weekend reply! Thanks a lot. And… wunderful news!

So these ‘final statussen’ (‘on parking time’) are always received (max) 15 minutes after parking.

This is an excellent trigger to start automated (but carefull ;), not to frequent) ‘refreshes’ and dertermine ‘charging start’.

  • This way ‘only if car is charged - days’ i can plan refesh every 15-30 minutes to see if charging stopped and do my messaging and caculations (f.i. amount of % Ev-batt gained) while engine off.
  • On all other ‘engine off day’s’ there is no need for me to check on car status while engine off. Just once on ‘End of day’ a refresh to be sure on status and do ‘day calculations’.
  • The 24/7 engine off update can remain ‘0’.

Hope that I understood correctly ;).

Happy with this outcome and off course many thanks and compliments for your effort developping this App and fantastic support! Truly great to connect the car to homey!

Kind regards,
The Neterlands

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Depending on firmware level of your car unit the server will be notified automatically every 10% SOC and when charging stops. No neec to poll then. Just try first without polling. You should avoid polling when possible.

Ok! Will try! Would be perfect.
Thanks for swift replies!

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@Gruijter How can i fix/work around this issue?

As mentioned I can do a single action (e.g. turn on the AC from a flow), however, If I then want to refresh the status in the app I am getting this error