[APP][Pro] Kia and Hyundai

Yeah thx. But I will not change the current functionality.

@Gruijter I experience this weird capability name too. It is on the flow cards as well as in the device details view like here:
It is supposed to say “Range” I guess.

Could you solve this bug? That would be great, because I have a lot of flows especially depending on the capability “range”.

This is a Hyundai ‘device’ by the way, not a Kia.

I think Kia or Hyundai doesn’t matter.

Thx 4 reporting. Will hopefully be able to check it this weekend.

New version 3.0.3 coming up: https://homey.app/a/com.gruijter.hyundai_kia/test/

  • Fixed range title.

tried to connect a Hyundai here is the US, home pro 2023. get login errors that look like failed attempt. also I see in your notes that this app can damage the car. any update on these items. thank you

Im not sure if anyone from the US was already using the Homey app. Im in EU so cannot test it. Can you send me an app diagnostics report?

And concerning that the app can damage your car: that is a disclaimer to make sure you understand the risks of using an unofficial app.

Hi Robin, there are a bunch of us here in the USA with the Homey Pro 2023. Well over a 100 devices so far and growing Did a short video about it on AppMyHome if you are interested.

Next time I test your app I will send the info. Do you have a place for me to send it?

I will get it automatically. You can post the report ID here so I know where to look for in my email.

Hi! Great app! I’ve managed to set a flow that triggers defrost at weekdays if the outside temperature is below a given temperature. However, the flow started at 10:19 as per the flow, but I had to manually check the Bluelink app if defrost was running, which it was. In the “flow log” you’ll see that defrost was turned on and off almost at the same time, about 30 minutes after it actually was (as per Bluelink).

I have a flow that should trigger a message to my Google Nest Hub, but with this delay between the flow starting and Homey recognising this, it’s useless.

Is it possible to sort out this delay?

Homey will only get an update of the car status, including climate control, when the car is ‘polled’. You can force a poll via the flowcard ‘refresh status’. But be aware that you have a limited allowed refreshes per day (plus it drains your 12V battery when used very often).

I guess once a day during winter when needing defrost wouldn’t drain the 12V.

Should the “refresh status” flowcard be in the same flow as defrost, or straight after in another one?

What’s the limit of daily statuses from Bluelink? Enforced by Bluelink, or via this homey app?

Edit: I tried adding this flow a minute after the defrost was run. Still no trace of the defrost flow inside Homey, but it’s running accord to Bluelink. Any suggestions?

I’m trying to set up some flows based on park location but I don’t see that card although I can see that it is updated in the logs. Is there any way to use that attribute!


Have you tried to use a variable via the logic cards?

When “the car has parked” (kona app card) if “location” is equal to … (logical card) then …



Anyone else experiencing a restart loop of the device?

Log says that login watchdog was triggered and then restarts…

Hello, I am also trying to set up my USA Hyundai Santafe 2018 Bluelink and i get this error below, i also submitted a report#, Is there something else i need to do?, any feedback would be appreciated…

i also tried using the KIA login and it said no vehicle detected



Kia login seems to work though. Is it correct you do not have any cars under the Kia account?

Concerning the Hyundai error I requested support from the US community on discord. You might be the first US user of this Homey app :kissing_heart:

I tried the kia login with my hyundai bluelink name/password to see if it gave the same error, but it just said no vehicle so i was guessing everything is working for my account to talk to the app, and maybe the usa part or an update on the bluelink end was my issue…, first user!! Im surprised this app has alot of scenarios i want to try out, so im hoping for a fix !!! And i can test it if you need me to

It is a know issue. See here on Github: SSL Error for Kia Canada ¡ Issue #254 ¡ Hacksore/bluelinky ¡ GitHub

The issue has been open since July. A way to fix it has been suggested by the community, but involves a lot of work and risk. So I dont see this fixed very soon actually :(.