[APP][Pro] Kia and Hyundai

Yeah, I think that Homey chokes because a battery % over 100 should not be possible (so a Homey/mobile app error). I can cap the value from the app in a next version.

Question is: why does your car report a Soc of 255? Seems like a problem with your car actually…

Or a (new) range from 0 to 255? 255 is a suspicious number (8 bits full).
Maybe not cap, but divide by 2.55?

Not on my own car. And that has the latest firmware.

I asked on discord if anyone ever saw 255 as SoC. This is the answer:

Yes I have. This can happen when you charge it via a booster charger. Stays like that until you drive for a while and then returns to normal around 80 %

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I just published v3.0.1 as stable release

  • Stability improvements.
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Looks like I’m getting an error when entering login information:

Error: Login failed RequestError: write EPROTO
routines:final_renegotiate:unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled:…/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/extensions.c:922:

Seems to be related to the Node version HP2023 is using. Older HP’s probably dont have the issue. According to research all you can do for now is wait for the SSL certificate to expire (retry every day):

Today i started getting

Invalid app id in the log.

i’m getting this error when trying to connect!

Error: Login failed ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeController.getVehicles: [401] Unauthorized on [GET] https://prd.eu-ccapi.hyundai.com:8080/api/v1/spa/vehicles - {“retCode”:“F”,“resCode”:“4017”,“resMsg”:“Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id. - 8188.467000007629”,“msgId”:“1eba5cc2-84b1-41ff-8014-c6ec231db5ea”}

Also getting an error @Gruijter

diag report:

Yes, seems the Kia/Hyundai servers were down for a while today. But all is working again now (at least for me)

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I see this error messages also in my log, but as of 18:00 the problem looks solved for me also.

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Worked for me as well now!

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Same here … Temp hickup it seam :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to have a if card “if range changed”? Then it’ll be easier for me to measure driven km’s between refuels.

Yes, should be possible. If I dont forget…

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@Ben_Van_Mierlo many thx for your kind donation! :heart:

New version 3.0.2 available as test: Kia and Hyundai | Homey

  • Multiple trigger flow cards added.

@Jeroen_W Can you please test?

I will try the update, let you know asap if it works.

edit, noticed missing card information

edit, the new added cards are working as expected


i will share my car for data read, if you want :slight_smile: but i guess you already figure it out :smiley: