[APP][Pro] Insight Trends Reloaded

I’m trying to get the time when someone took a shower. I have a humidity sensor in homey in my bathroom. I tried to use the “trend” check of ITR. But it doesn’t work. How can I calculate the trend between two datapoints, that I use the correct value for the ITR flow card.
Maybe I’m doing it the wrong way. But this is with what I came up with:

  1. If humidity becomes greater then 41-60%
  2. use ITR to check if the trend was greater than .75 in the past 15 min
  3. set var “showered” to yes/true and save current time in ms to var “showering time”
  4. for test purposes send a push notification to me

This is what the flow looks like? But it doesn’t work. Any idea what I’m doing wrong or am I going in a complete wrong direction?

This is what I can see in insights:

The Trend is the curve over time. Mostlikely not above 0.75.

Also I would change the trigger to something more simple.

As far as I know, I can use trend to identify rapid increase of a value or am I wrong?

I don’t like the trigger either, do you have a better idea?

Yes, but you would have to debug the trend value so you know how much it increases while showering.

I would take a trigger every X sec and if humidity is bigger then

I have the same flow. Or had it. I used when humidity is bigger then 65% then wait 2min if it still bigger then 65%. Then I set “showered” true

OK. I was way to high with 0.75. I now use 0.01. Let’s see if it works tomorrow.

It would look nicer, but from a performance perspective, wouldn’t that put more load to homey pro then my “solution”? Humidity is normally (apart from showering) not changing drastically throughout the day, so in my case if there is nothing to detect it might trigger the flow a few times a day, with every x sec it would be much more. :thinking:
Or is there another reason you would go for the x sec trigger?

Hi @L3nny, I do the same but instead of humidity, I use temperature. My flow looks like this and it works great except when the washing machine is on, but that is a general problem of the water trigger instead of the douche trigger.

To trigger the change I calculate the difference between “last value” and “first value” over a specific time. I think you can do the same to detect trend changes in your humidity values.

In raw data, you will see something like this.

And I chart.

I might have found a small issue with the app. When adding a condition card from this app and inverting it, the text on the card does not change even though the behavior changes.

It could be just for the Swedish translation, not sure.

No difference in english.
I think it is hard to just “change” the text. The use of invert on this card is to invert output true to false and vice verse. I never needed it because you can change the operator to accomplish same behaviour (smaller to greater, equal to not equal).

Most condition cards that you can invert change the text upon clicking “invert”. e.g. “is” to “is not”.



Can anyone EXACTLY explain how to use Insight Trends Reloaded. I can see insights data (rain) for my Tempest device for the past 7 days in a 5 minute interval. I want a (normal) flow to react if the past 24h total rain fall is above x mm.
How would I do that?

I am wondering if i can use this app to check if my aqara humidity and temp are still updating.
Dont know why but once in a while these sensors do not update anymore and I have to manually reconnect them again.

I thought about calculating an average and if it stays the same, that i get a message…

@Timmm you can use this script:

But the Aqara sensors are really good, it’s the combination of Zigbee devices you use @ Homey:


Not sure if it works that way.
So, what did you try so far, and show us the flow(s).

Hi Peter, thanks for your time and effort to look for a solution.
I have installed that script before, but, as i understand it, it doesnt help that much with the aqara sensors because they are end devices. And are silent anyway a lot of times.

The ikea lights: i have some ikea lights in my system indeed. But not sure if these Aqara sensors are connected to them via Zigbee. I dont have any flow connection between them for sure. I cant change those ikea lights for other lights. Yeah, only 1 lightbulb but further, i have some ikea led ledstrips in some cabinets. Maybe they are connected.?

I just made some flows that update a logic value when the temp or humidity changes. And then, every 4 hours, if the logic value is still the same as the actual value, i know it hasnt been updated in the last 4 hours and i will get a text message. (Is the idea hehe)

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Hi Peter,

Why would it not work that way? In the meanwhile I’ve figured it out, but documentation is unclear about HOW to use the app.
The “Calculate trend”-card informs me ‘To use the results you need to use the ‘Trend calculated’-WHEN card’ which led me to think that in one flow I needed to start it with the first card and end it with the last card mentioned :-p
For everyone interested the first card is used in a flow and triggered for example by a time- or an event-card. The second card would be used to start a second flow (as the trigger event) to do anything you like with the calculated results.

However, I found another issue related with the Tempest (weater) device and the Insight Trends…

The Tempest device has it’s own app and it shows rain (amount and severeness) in the most “zoomed in”- option in a 1-minute interval for the last 24 hours. In the Insight Trends app on Homey I can now say “Calculate for Rain (mm) based on the last 1 hours” and it will return me - amongst others - the average rain (mm) over the last hour, but does it in a 5-second interval on the last 1 hour? That’s 12 samples per minute times 60 (minutes) makes 720 samples.
In this way - to get the total rain (mm) in the last hour - I take the average and multiply it by the datapoints - which gives me a number that’s much too high.
When i divide the datapoints by 12 first (thus forcing the same 1-minute interval the Tempest gives) it will give me the correct number…