[APP][Pro] InfluxDb

Does anybody have clear instructions to run influxDb locally? Since I see the cloud has a retention of 1 month (free version) which means I guess 1 month data is purged.

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NAS ? Docker?

Eg. Setting up InfluxDB using Docker | GH2home

I guess you can even run it on RPi etc.

I’ve been running influxdb directly on a small ioserver (Dell Wyse) for a long time, together with iobroker and grafana.

I decided to run both InfluxDB and Grafana in Hassio, after lot of trying I finally got it running. (ip instead of local host did the trick).

I got the impression that with having everything connected the data isn’t automaticly transfered and I saw some people talking about flows. What kind of flow should I create that all data is logged to Influx?

For example :

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Thanks I got it working. Now I will need to spend some days in Grafana to create some dashboards to visulize everything. My SQL knowledge from 20 year ago… so will be cost some time.

Q1: If the database goes offline will it sync all missed data again once it goed online? Or does it only sync realtime generated data?
Q2: Any way to import old data from insights to InfluxDB?


InfluxDb app-v1.2.2 (tried the offical too)
HP23 FW-v10.2.0

Everytime i restart det HP23, det InfluxDb app has to be restarted to get it going again. I have now made a flow that automaticly restarts the app after the HP23 has started, but can you do something with the app so it is not nessessary?


I’m running Grafana and InfluxDB (v1) both on an rPI. They are connected to each other. With the same user/password in homey, the InfluxDB-App (tried v1.2.1 and 1.2.2) is not able to connect to the InfluxDB. Here are my settings in homey:

Is there any way to check, what the problem is?


What shows the previous screen with status ?


Are you sure your credentials are right, and the user “homey” have the right access (write) to the “homey” database you have created in Influxdb on the rpi?

Maybe this is of any help

Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.10
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.10
user     admin
admin    true
homey    true

> GRANT ALL ON homey TO homey
database privilege
-------- ---------

yes, I’m pretty sure that the user homey exists and has write access. Is there a way to see what error occures in the homey influxdb-app?

Actually now I remember, I had those issues as well, so I have switched to v2. Can you try that ?

Not as far as i know. Just a couple of more questions: Have you modified the influxdb.conf file to accept http-connections? No inbound network restrictions using http? Have your tried the hostname of the PI-influxdb instead of the IP-adress (in homey app)? You are able to connect to the database in Grafana, using the credentials you are trying to use in homey-app? Have you tried to manually write data to the influxdb-database using CLI in RaspberryPi? Have you tried adding a normal user, only with write privileges to the homey-database? If all is checked/veryfied, then i do not have anymore suggestions.

  • I set in influxdb.conf
 enabled = true
 bind-address = ":8086"
 auth-enabled = true
 pprof-enabled = true
 pprof-auth-enabled = true
 ping-auth-enabled = true
  • inbound network restrictions using http → I don’t understand this questen
  • tried localhost and the hostname of the rPI instead of the IP-Adress: did not work
  • yes, Grafana can connect with the credentials I use in homey
  • yes, I can add data to influxdb using CLI (and display them in Grafana)
  • tried a normal user → did not work as well

Will try to install the influxDB v2 and give it new chance…

Firewall in de rPI Linux? does it allow port 8086 from outside?
This is needed to open up if connecting from outside the rPI are needed, unless you have influx and Grafana running in a docker (stack).

  enabled = true
  bind-address = ":8086"
  auth-enabled = true
  https-enabled = false

Add the last line to the config file to do only http and not https

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I just installed v2 – and it connects without any problems

→ troubleshooting v1: 2h vs. installing v2: 5min :man_shrugging:

So I did recall it correctly :wink:


Sorry, I wanted to try again with the influx app.
I think I’m doing something wrong.
I have the following questions again:
Does the influxdb (e.g. homeydb) have to be created beforehand?
How must the token be entered:
e.g. with “token g6x7AI_4G…3PHlYI-uaQg==” ?
No matter what password I enter, I always have “connected” - but no data in the Influx.
(InfluxDB v2.7.4, App 1.2.2 test)

What am I doing wrong??
Many thanks for the help
