[APP][Pro] HTTP request flow cards - HTTP request triggers, conditions and actions for flows


Which url are you using in -I assume- locative.

@Renzo What do you mean by ā€œlocativeā€? For the webhook Iā€™m using the external address with my own id. Thereā€™s a tutorial on how to find that.

Iā€™m using locative (a geofencing app) to send a message to homey.

I was using this http request to receive a tag and then I altered my presence.

Yes, Iā€™m using Tasker and autolocation.

What url are you using from your mobile to Homey then? I can look up the tutorials, butā€¦

This one doesnā€™t work: https://cloudID.connect.athom.com/api/app/com.internet/tag nor does this one: https://webhook.homey.app/*cloudID*/*my_event*?tag=*my_tag*

Well, what you said was that ā€œa push notification isnā€™t sentā€, thatā€™s not the same as the URL not working.

Pardon me, I wasnā€™t aware that push notifications also arenā€™t stable in the new homey :roll_eyes:
A time line entry did work.