[APP][Pro] HTTP request flow cards - HTTP request triggers, conditions and actions for flows

I own a Ducobox and it is possible to get data from the box with an URL. I want to write two values to a logic variable, but I have no idea how to do this (I have very little http knowledge). How can I write the values temp and trgt to a logic variable in Homey? This is what I get from the Ducobox:

{“node”:1,“devtype”:“BOX”,“subtype”:1,“netw”:“VIRT”,“addr”:1,“sub”:1,“prnt”:0,“asso”:0,“location”:“Duco thuis”,“state”:“AUTO”,“cntdwn”:0,“endtime”:0,“mode”:“AUTO”,“trgt”:10,“actl”:10,“ovrl”:255,“snsr”:0,“cerr”:0,“swversion”:“16010.11.2.0”,“serialnb”:“PS2048001560”,“temp”:0.0,“co2”:0,“rh”:0.00,“error”:“W.00.00.00”,“show”:0,“link”:0}

Hi @Erik, any chance this can be updated to SDK 3 to support the new Homey Pro (Early 2023)?

I’ll PayPal you for a beer if you make it happen :wink:


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Good evening,
Could this app be used to send a Curl request to OpenAI? I have a sandbox environment that is giving me random greetings, messages and varied announcements based on a set of criteria.

I am hoping to pull the output in so that my anouncements at home are not pre-scripted but generated randomly.

The issue is I can not figure out the API integration and the only way I can see it working is to use Curl… example below.

curl https://api.openai.com/v1/completions
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-H “Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY”
-d ‘{“model”: “text-davinci-003”, “prompt”: “Say this is a test”, “temperature”: 0, “max_tokens”: 7}’

Please let me know if this is even remotely viable.


I created an app to communicate with OpenAI ChatGPT yesterday, you can find it here: GitHub - frodeheg/OpenAI

It has been sent for approval by Athom so I hope it will be public on Monday.

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I am going to keepong everything crossed!

I’ve contacted @Erik as well via direct message - no response. He doesn’t seem to visit the forum quite often.
May be somebody else can take the app over? What about you @Arie_J_Godschalk ?

Working on it. Hopefully donations will help me save for a new Homey Pro ;-).


Same for me, I’ll PayPal a beer.
Thanks for your efforts. If you need a tester, my Homey Pro arrived yesterday.

Dear Devs,

Thanks for bringing us a Homey Pro 2023 which is mostly fine working, including the migration from the Homey 2019.

A very usefull app which is missiing is the old (and unfortunately not maintened and migrated) HTTP request flow cards (HTTP request flow cards Appli pour Homey | Homey).

In Homey 2019, I used in many scripts to access devices that are not native supported in Homey app.

Certainly it will be very appreciated by a lot of Homey owners which are using ad developing a scripts and flows.

Many thanks in advance.

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Would love to see this. Cheers!

I also would like something like this, i believe it could help me trigger my cameras running with BlueIris

@Alexandre_Lechenne and @Ocyberbum : I switched to the http request cards in the logic app. Works like a charm for me, but you might have more advanced use-cases.

would mind sharing that flow, im trying to have it so when a door is open using a Aeotec sensor , it triggers blue iris, from what i see i can only have a logic app that excepts a http from blueiris


I “can’t” share the flow, as there are unique API keys involved. I use this for both GET and POST requests.

@Tiwas, thanks for your advise and your code screenshot. My problem is in fact more related to the trigger: what shall I use to trigger a HTTP POST request with endpoint that I cannot modify (for instance to use webhook): http://192.168.1.XXX/getjp

I know that then I can use the logic cards to make “the reply”.

Currently I’ve not found a solution in Homey 2023 (but I’m not a specialist) and I wrote a small piece of javascfript running in a raspberry to solve this issue. I’m interesting if someone write a Homey script to trigger such HTTP GET or POST request.

Thanks for the example, i was hoping some one would have made a blueiris plugin at one point since there are alot of people that use it but i have found one for HA and a how too,… since i run HA with my Homey i figure i can get something to work since i have no programming knowledge!!

Is there any change this app will be updated for Homey Pro 2023?
Or is there any alternative for receiving GET requests from Locative, as Homey presens is still unreliable!?

Homey Logic had http requests, like a few posts above:

I saw them, but they seem to be not working for me. But if you mention a unique thing in your flow, I am doing something wrong then.

IF: I use logic, webhook event received. Where I use “renzoaway” as event.
THEN: send push notification

I am using the url provided with the card (https://webhook.homey.app/*####*/renzoaway?tag=away)

When I past that in a browser I get the OK result, but a push notification isn’t sent.