[App][Pro] Homey Easy Logger

I’m not shure which script, but I guess there is a parse statement. Try to log the data before the parse. Looks like the input is not what you expect

Something like this:

console.log(‘input’, input);
const textFromJSON = JSON.parse(input1);
const t = Object.entries(textFromJSON);


Be aware that you cannot run this script directly without any input. You but aither create the flow or update script temporary to

const textFromJSON = JSON.parse(input);
const textFromJSON = JSON.parse(typical_input);

I testet with from
const textFromJSON = JSON.parse(input);
const textFromJSON = JSON.parse(typical_input);

I’ve made a flow with update new prices and then homeyscript with price, but I get no prices in the sheet

Looking good, see no issues here

Do I have to wait for the new prices to be updated?

yes, it’s hard to test. But you can test by replacing #Priser with the example data from the script

Ok. Thanks. I’ll wait for the prices to be updated and then see

No price in the sheet

Is there another way get the spreadsheet to put the prices in 24 cells? I can the the prices to look like this

I can’t ask more questions due some rules that new users can’t post more than 3 posts :hot_face: :face_with_monocle:

You have probably trouble setting correct delimiter. This is how it looks like in my sheet


I have finished the 1. Setup step here and configured the Homey app.

I want to log timestamps from my doorlock to the sheet.

Not sure how to configure a script to make this work.
Has anyone dine anything like this before?

You get a timestamp in first column automatically

Do you mean just use a flow directly from the doorlock, like this?

You have to create a Sheet only ones.
The next time you want to store the data, you only have to use the ‘Append multicell’ card.

In this example, I have strored the Sheet Name in a variable.

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Thank you very much for the fast reply!

So you don’t need to make a script to get out the values to the sheet?

This can all be done in normal flows, in Advanced flows or in the old standard flows.
You can insert all available Tags and/ or text, separate the fields with a semicolon ;

I have tried to make a test by looking at the video on Loom, but I get an error:
