[App][Pro] Homey Easy Logger

You should set debug=true, restart app and run the script , and finally create a diagnostic


Now I activated debug, restarted app from web app and tested two flow script.


No rush, offcourse!

2023-05-02T17:51:10.165Z [log] [EasyLoggerApp] doSetCellValue with {
‘cell-name’: ‘NordpoolPrices!D2’,
‘delimited-data’: ‘@NoDate|#0’

Seems like you are not getting any data from POTH … The api call was executed fine

Yes I belive you are right, seems like this will no longer work at my place…

I installed the older working version of POTH 5.4.8 on homey just to verify If that was the problem, rebooted everything and its still the same.

Can you take a last debug check to see if something has changed?


Looking better now

2023-05-03T11:21:12.221Z [log] [EasyLoggerApp] doSetCellValue with {
‘cell-name’: ‘Batteristatus!A2’,
‘delimited-data’: ‘100|#100|#74|#100|#81|#71|#63|#90|#100|#100|#48|#100|#77|#91|#90|#90|#⨯|#⨯|#100’

2023-05-03T11:10:06.560Z [log] [EasyLoggerApp] data_withDato [
‘03.05.2023 13.10.06’, ‘100’,
‘100’, ‘74’,
‘100’, ‘81’,
‘71’, ‘63’,
‘90’, ‘100’,
‘100’, ‘48’,
‘100’, ‘77’,
‘91’, ‘90’,
‘90’, ‘⨯’,
‘⨯’, ‘100’

Thanks alot for your help so far :+1:

Hello all.

V1.8.0 is put into test. With a new nice feature, goto the first post in this thread to read all about it.

v1.9.0 is out, with new features.


Thanks for this wonderful app - a little steep learning curve relative to Simple(Sys)Log, but thanks to well made documentation it was not bad. I am ready to transition all my Flows to send debug info to Easy-Logger. I should have done it when I transitioned from the dead PaperTrails to SimpleLog, but now I have to go over all my flows and replace the debug message card yet again.

One question, there are two almost identical Then cards, with only one word different: “Update” and “Insert”. From the data field description it appears “Insert” actually “Appends” at the next empty space and not inserts at a location, so it works more like the Append card. Is that correct?

Hi, it should be a clear difference.

The Insert card will insert a new ROW and the given row-nbr, and shift others rows 1 row down, and then paste the data into the new row. at the given colum-nbr.

Super - thanks! It was the field text “sheet-id to append to” that confused me, but with the text in the next field “the row-nbr to insert data at”, the functionality is very clear.

I can see what you mean.

Read 2. How to use actions cards in the Homey App - Homey Easy Logger - Confluence, then it might answer your questions

Yes, thanks, awesome documentation. Just one minor issue that’s not very clear: In the section for the Insert card discussed, it is not mentioned how this card inserts at location and shifts existing data down. When comparing sections 2.3 and 2.4 and their examples, this essential difference is not entirely clear.

Now onto planning how to best utilise this fantastic app. The “problem” I have is that the app’s functionality is so powerful that I need to plan carefully before I start changing all my flows.

Hi There!
Im using Power By The hour app. In the Power by the our app I have Energy Summary “virtual” devices set up that logs all power usage PER device. Etc Tibbers Pulse, My Shelly plugs connected to the Tumble Dryer etc.

I would love to be able to logg all those accumulated values to spreadsheet in google.
How would a script for that look like?

I would like the script to involve all my Power by the hour “Virtual Devices” that are collecting energy.
I’m thinking of running the script on the 1st of each month and writing all the values from “Previous month” generated by the Power by the hour app.

All those values are available as a variable in Homey: It’s the “Previous month” value I would like to write to document.

Is there anything that can push me in the right direction :)?

I would like it to be very dynamic, so that it creates a new Sheet in my document for each year, so I don’t have to update the script Evry year :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

Have updated this documentation section. Maybe it is clearer how it works ?


Thanks, think I understand now :slight_smile: Will be a packed Homey Card with a lot of variables :slight_smile:

I recently set up @bwa’s other app, Easy Charge Controller, where I exclusively use Easy Logger to log all data. It’s great to be able to use the Insert card to have new entries go to the top. I also switched my water heater flows to use Easy Logger, as well as electricity price tracking and ECO/Power mode for my floor heating and water heater.

However, all my other umpteen flows are still stuck on Simple(Sys)Log. Replacing every such card with an Easy Logger card is cumbersome and time consuming. Hence, I still have done it (Yes, I have been lazy). I already did this once this year when Papertrails died and before I realized the power of Easy Logger. Has anyone run into some kind of batch mechanism to replace one specific card with a different specific card, transferring one field of information (the “text” field in this case)?

All done! Glad to have all my logging consolidated to one easily accessible document.
Just one question, are there any downsides to enabling “fire and forget”? I doubt I will run into the rate limit, but still.

@KarlO The fire and forget is very convenient as the app sending the log is not waiting for it to finish, there is no need to wait, it just slows down your app, and IF you reach the rate limiting, you can see timeouts in your app. So the fire and forget is just (almost) a silver bullet.

I’m getting this error trying run nordpoolprices. Any ideas?