[APP][Pro] Homesh Controller & Homesh Satellite - Connect Homey Pro 2023 to Homey Pro for Led, Speaker, Zwave(satellite) and network resource

I suggest to read post #1, it has a nice how to.

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oke thanks, had to read it another 5 times before “het kwartje viel” :joy: :rofl:


I think Arie’s always open for improvements on the howto’s, just say what was not clear to you at 1st :hugs:


its the way my own brain works i think. its a matter of reading properly :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


What is the idea for using the satellite with zwave?

Will it be a repeater? How?

Well, yeah it would be a repeater:
In the Old Homey App, you can goto the Settings–> Zwave, and there you can Add homey to another ZWave network.

However, this option is gone in the new Homey App.
And without that option, i cannot create a ZWave-Homey device to connect as, so this is kind off on hold.
My idea was that one Homey could be connected to another Homey through ZWave, in case Wifi is not available somehow, but with the new Homey App, this is currently not possible.

So currently, the ZWave client option is on hold.

Plus, i think perhaps using the satellite Homey as separate Controller is mre what people would want.

Hi @Arie_J_Godschalk !
Is it suppose to work with having Satellite on Homey2016 and Controller on Homey2023, and start Adv-trigger-flows? Tried it just now but no Flow names showed up.
Just did a simple test by adding a when-Adv-trigger-w-5-texts-started in Homey2016 and in Homey2023 a then-start-Adv-trigger-w-5-texts but no flow names showed up.

Change the flow on the HP2023 a littlebit and press save again.
There is (still) an issue on the HP2023 that, when flows are new and saved, it doesn’t directly execute the background .update.

Which versions (HP and app) are you on?

I tried changing the flow on the Homey2016 (to be called by Homey2023) but did not help.
Homey2016 is latest stable from last week (8.1.5), Homey2023 is RC118.
Homesh is 0.9.13.

Sorry, i thought the other way around :wink:

try this code on HomeyScript on the hp2016:
You can find the token on the App Settings of the Satellite app on the HP2016.

let token = '64912d9cee14afa42a7420e391c*****';

let a = await Homey.apps.getApp({id:'nl.qluster-it.HomeshSatellite'});
return await a.apiPost('/getFlowEventNames', {token, targetName:'text1_number1_boolean1'} );

I do not run HomeyScript on my Homey2016.
It is very slow right now and as I use it as my home security system I do not want to slow it down further. :frowning:
I am waiting for the stable Homey2023 to move everything out.

Do you mean triggers from the Advanced Triggers app?
Then no: You have to use the Homesh Satellite WHEN cards.

Yeas, using the when-Adv-trigger-card from the Homesh satellite, not from the AdvTrig-app. :slight_smile:
Sorry for being unclear.

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I am using the 5-text/5-number… when card in 'Homey2016 and the corresponding 5-text then Satellite-card in the Homey2023.

Perhaps you can run it for a moment and then delete HS again?
I really need more info, because for me everything is working correctly, so i need something :wink:

Understood :slight_smile:
I will do it when I have time and the family is away or sleeping. :wink:

I guess this should be targetName:‘text5_number5_boolean5’?

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Yes, for that dard it should yeah :wink:

@Arie_J_Godschalk First i choose a IF card. Then i choose for the THEN card Homesh Controler, Homey Pro 2023, and then i choose a START card and then choose a trigger (puldown menu) for the Triggername, After that i can simply save the card in the Advanced Flows and it will work.
When i make a flow on my android Tablet or phone i choose first the same IF card, then i choose the THEN card, Homesh Controler, Homey Pro 2023, and then i choose a START card, i also choose the triggername again, (pulldown menu) but then I have to enter a number in the number field, otherwise I can not save the flow.
But this is only on the Android app.
On the pc there is no problem

Card on the pc This card can be saved.

Card on the Android tablet. Can not click on “Klaar”.

Card on the Android tablet, now i can click on “Klaar” after fill
in a 0 or another number.

Please report this to Athom, there is not much i can do about that.

I will do that.

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