[APP][Pro] Homesh Controller & Homesh Satellite - Connect Homey Pro 2023 to Homey Pro for Led, Speaker, Zwave(satellite) and network resource

Hi. After upgrading to 0.9.12 I can connect my HP19 as satellite.

Excuse me from being noob, but I cannot find out how I can start a flow from the controller. I would suspect that I would get a list to select the flow i wanted to start, but I don’t. Is there anything I’m doing wrong?

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First create a flow on the satellite (enabled flow) with a start flow card.

Then it will appear in the Controller flownames list.

Mmm. I have several flows withs start flow card, but they don’t appear in the list. Have tried reinstalling, restarting apps, restarting Homeys and even renamed the name of the satellite Homey.

Screenshot of one of the flows i would like to start.

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No, you need the Homesh Satellite App flowcards.

Aah. Got it!


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@Arie_J_Godschalk Working! thank you

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I am having much fun having my old homey to do logging and send notifications.
However, the Homesh Start card seems to reject some text if it contains:

  • Request timeout
    _ Request timeout
    °C Http status code 400

I had similar issue with Telegram that does not accept * and _

Is there a way to submit these characters in a different way?
Maybe I need to pass each notification through a script that checks for special characters and removes/replaces them?
Any tips welcome.

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Show me a printscreen of a flowcard that goes wrong please?
Is it about the text in it or the name?

I apologise, the * was accepted, but later rejected when passing it to Telegram.

The _ is a timeout:

The °C was rejected here is the screenshot:



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@Arie_J_Godschalk ,

Is it possible to add sent and receive cards with multiple yes/no numbers text like you have made on advanced triggers. to sent more numbers to my satellite homey with one card?

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Yeah, the basis was copied from advanced triggers in preparation of adding more cards.
Please create a ticket?

In the meantime, you can use Json handler and send a json, than you can have as many properties as you would like.


Ticket is being added, hopefully on the right place.

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Okay, on the HP2023, when you create a new flow, and press save the first time, the card is not updated in the app.
I have reported this (now) to Athom.

But this means, if you have the satellite app on the HP2023 and create a new flow with a triggername and press save once, it will not be available on the Homesh Controller.
You need to press save twice. This goes for normal and advanced flows.


Okay, both in test now: update both apps!

QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.HomeshController / issues / #7 - Multiple tag cards added — Bitbucket


Works great, thanks Arie!

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Using this app for my ledring animation per activity and is working like charm, thanks for that.
One thing I couldn’t find so far is to turn off the ledring of the homey pro 2019 from the Homey 2023.
I always did that when I’m not home or at sleep but that does not work now.


There is an option within the animations to turn it off. Within the ‘set screensaver’ flow card, search for ‘off’.

Or set brightness = 0

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Thanks, I must have overlooked that option. Found it. :+1:


sorry but i am not getting this. i have the same problem don’t see any flows in hp23 from 2019