[APP][Pro] Homesh Controller & Homesh Satellite - Connect Homey Pro 2023 to Homey Pro for Led, Speaker, Zwave(satellite) and network resource

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Okay, i have got my new power adapter and connected the Ethernet adapter also.
I will be working on this issue today!


Very much appreciated! With a bit of luck I have some time tomorrow to migrate to the HP2023. But the old homey(s) will stay hopefully using this app for led-ring and speaker functions (among others).

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Okay, try the newest versions 0.9.12 please, and let me know!

For everyone, if there are issues, please retest it, then report it again.
Afaik, i have resolved all issues right now, and i have no open tickets about it anymore.

Please leave a like on this message to signal that it now works for you!
This will give a count of how many are now fixed.


versio 0.9.12 works, the problem is solved
thanks very much

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For me it’s also working! Thank you!

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0.9.12 ok! Triggername with spaces is working also.

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The apps seem to need a restart for new triggers to be recognized.
I added my new, yet to be installed Fibaro RS3’s already to my Homey 2023, so I won’t need to open the junction-box again to connect them to the new Homey, and for the time being control with my Homey 2019. I then found how to create a trigger on the 2023 for the first one (“woonkamer”), created a test-flow on the 2019, duplicated them both, but found the second trigger was not selectable on the 2019.
I had the same problem with completely new flows, even with the first flow. Am I doing something wrong?

The flows (triggers) are named RS-Wh-x and RS-Sh-x

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I cannot simulate this.
When i copy a flow on the Satellite, change the trigger name and press save, it immediately becomes available on the Controller. I don’t need a restart.
Also, i dont cache the names on the controller, whenever you try to sellect the flows on the controller, it requests all flownames from the satellite.

The flownames are cached on the satellite tho, whenever you change flows (new, save/update, enable/disable).

Flows need to be enabled to be selected tho!

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Thanks for your reply. I will investigate further…

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Thank you!
Now everything works fine!
I also needed to restart the app for the triggername to be available for the satellite, but that’s ok for me :slight_smile:


Which app needed a restart?
If it was the satellite app, than please do the following for me:

Create the same situation (a new flow or whatever you did befote, which is not yet visible at the controller) and before restarting the app, send me a diagnostic please.

Also for @J.W_Hoogervorst

Thanks @Arie_J_Godschalk !

Now I can get my Mi Lights working again thru my old homey.


Hey Arie,
Bedankt voor al je harde werk. Ik zie dat je al meerdere mensen goed hebt kunnen helpen.
Ik heb het nog niet werkend gekregen. Dat heeft (waarschijnlijk) te maken met het volgende probleem:

Thuis heb ik een Netgear Orbi Wifi Mesh netwerk. Die zendt op dezelfde SSID zowel op 2,4 gHz als 5 gHz. Met mijn oude Homey (2019) had ik het probleem dat de 5 gHz eerder opgepikt werd en daar kon de oude Homey niet mee omgaan. Daarom heb ik de WiFi op mijn modem ingeschakeld en alleen 2,4gHz uit laten zenden.

De nieuwe Homey (2023) kan wel met zowel 2,4 gHz als 5 gHz omgaan en heb ik dus op het reguliere netwerk zitten. Dat is ook fijner als ik andere apparaten wil gaan koppelen aan Homey.

Er is (nog) geen oplossing om de Homey’s in 2 WiFi netwerken met elkaar te verbinden?

Bedankt voor al je werk tot nu toe!

Edit: Sorry, it’s an English forum :blush:

Hey Arie,
Thank for al your hard work. I see you could help a lot of people.
I didn’t get it to work yet, which is (probably) caused by the following problem:

At home, I’ve got a Netgear Orbi Wifi Mesh network. It sends out a 2,4 gHz and 5 gHz on the same SSID. With my old Homey (2019), I had the problem it picked up the 5 gHz signal and Homey couldn’t handle that. So I created a second WiFi network from my modem which only sends 2,4 gHz.

The new Homey can handle both 2,4 and 5 gHz, so I connected that to my regular network. That’s better for connection with other devices.

Is there a way to connect the Homey’s in 2 different WiFi networks?

Thanks for all the hard work till now.

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Should work, if both wifi networks are on the same subnet, e.g. all IPs start with 192.168.1.x

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English translation please at least @Peter_Kawa :wink:

I also have a Mesh network with 3 different wifi’s, 1x2.4Ghz and 2x5Ghz.

The HP2023 is connected to the 5Ghz and HP2019 to the 2.4Ghz, and this is no problem on itself.

Currently, i use the buildin mDNS discovery service that Emile recommended:

This has many advantages and should work, as long as the are on the same LAN, no matter which WiFi/AP connects them.
But, are you sure mDNS is not blocked by settings on the WiFi/AP or the device which control your network (router or whatever device you use for the DHCP/LAN-Settings).

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Thanks for the quick responses.

Where can I find the mDNS feature in Homey? Only in HomeyScript or is it hidden somewhere in the settings? I haven’t used HomeyScript yet, but I have some experience with some coding-languages (Visual Basic, SQL, HTML and PHP)

I couldn’t find any mDNS settings in both my modem (KPN experiabox V10a) and router in AP-modus (Netgear Orbi RBR50). Only DynDNS on both devices.

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No, its build into apps, you cannot use it from HS or anything.
And it’s not really a service on the router, it’s more a question if your router may block certain protocols or messages, just like WakeOnLan is sometimes blocked by settings.

But im not sure about the configuration on those devices.