[APP][Pro] Flow Checker

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.28.0.):

1. FIX: error in logic check
2. NEW: add is Broken check

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → https://homey.app/a/com.athom.flowchecker


Well done, got some new hits on HP23, seems to be working !! Thank you !

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New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.28.1.):

1. FIX: error in logic check
2. NEW: add is Broken check

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)


Hi @martijnpoppen, for some time now I have seen in the daily overview that I run in a flow that there are several (29) flows with broken variables.
When I check these flows I see nothing strange and therefore no defective variables.

What does the app base on when a variable is broken and can it also show which variable it is?
Not sure if you need it but this is the app report.



Hi @Heula
Depends on the variable. In the timeline it should also specify which variable category is broken. The variable itself cant be logged as FlowChecker will only fire if the variable is not there. So then the variable will always be unknown :wink:

These are my settings and what I see. Nothing else.

This is an example of a flow with a broken variable, I don’t see it :man_shrugging:

@Heula if a flow is marked as broken you’ll get a timeline notification with a reason.

@martijnpoppen Okay, but why does the app say that I have 29 flows with broken variables?

@Heula not sure how i should know that. I cant see your flows right.

so if you can check the timeline notifications and see what type of variable is marked as broken we can start from there and see what goes wrong.

Right now I only saw your screenshots which give no info on the matter

@martijnpoppen That is just it, I don’t get any timeline notfications for any kind of issue from Flow checker.
Only the one that I run each day on a specific time and only shows me what I have chosen to show in the timeline.

@Heula probably because they are marked as broken for a while now. Only when flowcheckers finds new broken variables/flows it will trigger a notification. Otherwise it will spam the whole day.

You can reset flowchecker to default settings in the app settings and then run the flowchecker flowcard to see what is broken. It will log again to the timeline

@martijnpoppen After resetting the settings, the same results appear after running the check card.
Again I do not see the issue and also I notice no issues with all these flows.

I only was wondering why Flow Checker tells me there is an issue with certain flows and or variables where it seems to be fine in those flows.

I think I will just keep ignoring it than.


@Heula but did you get the timeline notifications?

@martijnpoppen yes I did get them now.
Mostly it is a flow utilities issue.
But I have no issues with the flow utilities I have setup in these flows.

Any chance flow utilities can be ignored?


@Heula then probably flowchecker is not properly checking flow utilities and therefore giving a error on it.
no way to ignore it. should be fixed in the app.

so if you can share some of the flows which are marked as broken i’ll try to reproduce and create a fix in the app

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.28.2.):

1. FIX: Flow Utilities variables marked as broken

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)


@Heula see fix above

@martijnpoppen Thanks, this fix worked. No more issues with Flow utilities.

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@martijnpoppen It looks like flowchecker does not show matter devices.

I have connected my hue bridge via matter.
Last week something broke and all matter devuces (via hue) were disconnected. I decided to remove the node and load them again.

Flowchecker would tell me what flows had broken
, I thought

But flowchecker does not show any broken flows

But I do have a lot of broken flows

Let me know if you need any diagnostics

@FKey didnt create anything specific for matter. So could be that it doesn’t work.

Please send a report