[APP][Pro] Network Check

Network Check - Keeps an eye on your network

Useful links

Current features:

  • Detect network changes on your Homey
  • Report if network is offline
  • Report if network is online

Supported Languages:

  • :uk: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch

If you appreciate this app, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution
or buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me

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:computer: Apps made by @martijnpoppen

See for more apps link below :point_down:t2: or just open the pull down.


Live version and Test version

Changelog can be viewed on the app page.

To do:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What url does this app check?

A1. Every 15 seconds a API is made to

New app update (live: 2.0.7):


1: BREAK: Update to Homey SDK 3
2: NEW: Condition card
3: FIX: Netcheck new protocol for SDK 3

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Network Check - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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Dear @martijnpoppen . Many thanks for yor work and effort. Your app becomes most important on my Hoomey unit. Unfortunetly. As many many other users I have big problem with homey, it often loses wifi connection to router and restart of unit is needed. And in this case your great app becames solution. Your app helps to resolve this by checking if unit is offline and if it is, flow restarts homey. Without your app only manual restart by power disconnection solve this. Your app is absolutelly great, however solution works wrong in specific case - internet connection outage. When this happens, homey restarts in loop despite of fact that its wifi interface is working well. Checking of local router IP adress avalibility will definitly solve this and will lead to absoute perfection of your app. Again - many thaks for curent version and looking firward for future improvements.

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Hey @Kontajner ,
Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

That’s a good idea. I’ll add that to the options.

then you can have 2 options: Internet Connection check and Wifi connection check.

Will make some updates soon.

This app got trasnferres to me last week to update to SDK 3. :slight_smile:

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Great app (one of many on your name!).
Instead of checking every 15s would it be possible to have it check via a flow card?
Or, maybe a configurable time in settings?

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@Robin_van_Kekem thanks!

Yes, adding some features to this app soon :slight_smile:


  • interval setting
  • custom domain check
  • internet vs wifi connection

Will it be possible in the future to check the public ip-address and a trigger when the public ipaddress changes?
I would appreciate this to check if my VPN connection is up and running.

@Ruurd_van_der_Noord thats not really the purpose of this app

Dear Martijn,

An update with the above mentioned options would indeed be much appreciated. I hope you’ll find the time and the motivation for it

@Neil_Terwisscha_van Yes willl definitely check it, had some priorities on other apps

New app update (live: 2.1.1.):


1: NEW: add app settings to configure domain, interval and failure rate

:new: " App Settings "

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Network Check - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)



I am concerned about network failure to my Homey when outside.

Does the app only check the connection from homey to network and wait for a answer by the server or only homey to network ?

For explaination, I can’t reach my homey when I am outside (he say that Homey is offline) but homey is still sending me notifications from my flows when events occures.

@David_De_Brito it checks from homey to the internet

So if Homey is online you can reach it. So probably the issue is somewhere else.

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New app update (live: 2.1.5.):


1: FIX: set failure rate to 3 for new users
2: FIX: set failure rate to 3 for existing users (when failure rate < 3) this prevents false positives

:new: " App Settings "

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Network Check - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

How do I get this to work? I have issues where my router needs a reboot every couple of days or else my internet will be offline. I set this up, but a few days ago my internet was offline for at least 5-10 minutes, and still the flow didn’t trigger.

And how would I add a time-out after a router restart? To prevent an infinite loop?

@phusebox when there’s no internet connection you can set a flowcard to do something. You can setup the timings etc in the settings of the app.

you could set a logic variable and do something like this?

So this should work?