[APP][Pro] Flow Checker

@Kai_Engvik the higlighting of broken flows is not part of this app. I cannot influence the app inner workings. for that you have to ask Athom.

If the flow is not indicating that it’s broken neither will FlowChecker.

yes, I’ve uninstalled flow checker now

@Kai_Engvik Looks like Athom published their new Web API. So it’s no longer RC. Will publish a fix for that to the test version

Thanks :sweat_smile:


New app update (live: 1.22.0.):

1. NEW: update FlowChecker to Homey-Api v3
2. FIX: catch API errors (HP23)

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

@Kai_Engvik If you want to test it, you can install the above version and it should fix it.

trying again now :sweat_smile:

you can force a check with the “Update broken flows and variables” flowcard

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The new try tells me 16 broken varables. Is there a way to identify these flows? And the other card, should it not have detected the two broken flows? The previous version actually did.

Yes in the app settings there’s a overview with what is broken:

Click configure:

See flows and info:

nice, but I reviwed a couple of the 16 detcted missing variables flows, but did not find anything wrong. How is the detection working? What does is check?

It checks all flows and tries to find the variables inside it. App variables, device variables, logic var, better logic vars etc.

It creates a list and it cross checks that and checks whats wrong.

But do you see that broken variables also coming back in the overview in the app settings?

for reference:

@Peter_Kawa @Sharkys Most of the time you test the new updates of FlowChecker

Can you let me know if you find anything odd, As it’s using a new API right now :slight_smile:


yes, the flows with no apparent problem are still listed. I just now fixed a flow with an actual missing variable, and that flow was removed from the list. So I do not understand why the supposedly sound flows are listed?

@Kai_Engvik I can’t tell you that. Depends on the Flow.

So maybe. you can share them so i can have a check?


Seems I got two flows with broken variable (for some reason not reported before) but broken flow still seems doesn’t work for me …


Diag: 122d6cab-44f3-46e3-94fb-b9a9b42091ff

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@Sharkys yes there is some improvement in variable checking

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@Sharkys the broken flow i managed to reproduce, will check that

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@Sharkys can you try a


in Homey Developer Tools and send me the first response?

Hmmmmm… You mean I have to check all 477 flows :face_with_peeking_eye: ? :crazy_face:
I have 0 broken flows reported, but I cannot check now if that is conform reality hehe

I’ve checked most broken variable flows, there’s indeed some false positives. There were 27 flows reported, found 4 false positives:
(homey 2019 v8.1.5 - FC v1.22.0)

Did not check for a long time, so I cannot tell if it is app version specific.

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Yeah it’s gonna rain the whole weekend right :stuck_out_tongue:

Will have a look if I can find the issues :slight_smile:

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