[APP][Pro] Flow Checker

@DirkG No not needed, I’ll probably ask you again to provide me the flow data via the developer tools :wink:

New app update (test: 1.17.0.):

1. NEW: add type and folder tokens to trigger cards

@Sharkys already added it :stuck_out_tongue:

example: (sorry in dutch)

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Excellent, you always surprise the way to handle it :wink: Testing in progress, will report back in case of issues. THANK YOU .

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Hehe, yeah I try to add something with minimal impact so it doesn’t affect everybody :smiley:

That is very good approach :wink: Well, when speaking about that :wink: … I just realized seems FLOW tag got lost for Variable trigger…



@Sharkys that never existed. It is only the variable check. So it checks if a logic variable was unused

Ou, sorry, I mixed it up with eg. Flow broken vs Flows with broken variables :wink: My mistake.

Yes removing the folder and type from the logic cards as we speak :stuck_out_tongue:

As it doesn’t make sense to have that

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Thanks, Martijn!
My Homey got the red ring of death :woozy_face: (unrelated to Flow Checker of course) and has to be fixed by Athom before I can test the update

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@Peter_Kawa Oh no! :frowning:

So Athom will return you a Homey Pro? :stuck_out_tongue: :crossed_fingers:

Yes, it is for real. Partly for a test I did a factory reset and a backup restore. That went well. Later on I installed v7.4.1-rc2 again, and then it quit on me (yellow animation for 5 minutes followed by red ring.) No way to get it to recovery anymore… Homey-xxxxx wifi doesn’t appear.
But, it’s pingable through USB-ethernet!

Athom replied (very quick) they have a free software fix. I wonder why I can’t use that to run it myself :wink:

@Peter_Kawa So driving to Enschede as we speak?

Shipping is “more economical” :upside_down_face:

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New app update (live: 1.17.0.):

1. NEW: add type and folder tokens to trigger cards


Hi, i have a question, Flow Checker has a count of total Flows, but when is it updated?
It stood on 31 for ever on my Homey, but i did not much with Flows so i did not notice, but recently i made a lot new Flows and the count stayed 31 flows.

I removed Flow Checker and reinstalled it, now the count is 0, already for a few days.

So when or how is count updated?

I use Flow Checker 1.17.1
Homey Pro (Early 2019) 7.4.1

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Homey App → More → Apps → Flow Checker → Configure app → Settings → Settings Test Interval

“Automatic flow control” must be activated and a time in minutes must be entered.
Then the app checks automatically every x minutes.

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@Raymond_Slegers exactly what @DirkG says :smiley:

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Strange, with installation that checkmark is set to blue, and the interval is default set to 5 minutes.

But still on the next tab there are only ‘0’.

Where does it say “0”? At “All flows”?

Please post a screenshot?

All are 0, see my pictures (in diffrent post because i am a new user and may only post 1 in a message)