[APP][Pro] Flow Checker

:zipper_mouth_face::speak_no_evil: did I say something? Can’t recall :sweat_smile::rofl:

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Thanks a lot! It’s incredible how quick you always are :muscle:


New app update (test: 1.10.1.):

  • NEW: add Flow Utilities support
  • NEW: improved functions for finding broken FlowTokens
  • FIX: update app ID for Flow Utilities after Breaking change

Together with @RobbertV I build a new app. This will add Flow Utilities and adds some useful tokens to use. Now FlowChecker can also find these tokens if they’re broken


I really like the app, already found me some broken flows several times, with over 800 flows it is bound to happen.

I did find one thing with the “Turned off flows” overview (app’s settings) though (probably all, but didn’t have any broken flows yet with this issue).
I use the < bracket in my flow titles occasionally (when I use “is less then
” logic in the particular flow), seems like the overview page doesn’t really like that as it really messes it up (yay for HTML characters!), probably needs some escaping.

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I can’t reproduce, “cv < aan/uit > ledring” as example:

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Thanks! :smiley:
Ah nice find!
Yep it’s just parsing HTML and putting the names in pain text.
Will make a fix for that!

New app update (test: 1.10.2.):

  • FIX: < and > causing settings page to break.

@Caseda can you check if this works for you? :slight_smile:


Yes, that works brilliantly now :grin: thanks ones more for the quick fix.

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I gues it has to be connected to the bracket (IE: <example, not < example), html code it also needs to be connected to work.

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Nice, Will push it to live @Caseda :slight_smile:

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New app update (live: 1.10.2.):

  • FIX: < and > causing settings page to break.

I really like your app Martijn. It saved me more than once. But I’ve also a request/questions

Sometimes I’ve a flows that is starting an other flow (with start a flow) but see now sometimes flows that don’t exist anymore. So when you test the flow I’m getting a message that it won’t work.
If its possible, it will be really handy to implement it into flow checker.

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Hey @Arjan-21 ,

I think that might be possible to implement :slight_smile:

Will add it to the todo list


Thank you!

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New app update (test: 1.11.0.):

  • NEW: ADD unused flows (+settings and flowcards)
  • NEW: ADD unused logic variables (+settings and flowcards)
  • NEW: ADD flowcards for enable/disable interval

On request of @Peter_Kawa I added unused flows and logic variables.

Unused flows: Any flow which has a unknown trigger or a ‘This flow has started’ trigger (e.g: Gedeelde Flow | Homey)
Unused logic variables: Declared logic variables which are not used in any flows

Screenshots of new features:



The world record holder in improving apps. :+1::+1::+1:


Super cool again, Martijn Verstappen :checkered_flag::racing_car:
How nice to see the “unused logics vars” and “unused flows”
scripts have been integrated.:white_check_mark:
To be able to en-/disable the interval checker using flows is neat!


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Sorry, but I had to donate little bit again :wink: 

@martijnpoppen I wonder, for Unused flows, what about those triggered manually ? I wonder if we can’t exclude them or have setting to exclude them
 but true is, I found some of them I can probably delete thanks to your latest update. :wink: Yet it would be more interesting to see those triggered by some condition but never actually running
 just idea/opinion, I can live with what you already did :wink:


@Sharkys thank you very much! Appreciated! :smiley:

I think I can split those in to 2 sections.
Will look into that :slight_smile:

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Good Q @Sharkys.
“Unused flows” is a bit tricky description @martijnpoppen (and it’s my fault :sweat_smile: ).
I’d like to suggest “No trigger & Not started from other flow” as description. But it’s tooooooo loooooooong heheh.

True unused flows have a counter below 1 I would say.