[APP][Pro] Everspring overall support topic

I have added the sensor SP-816 but it will not show the battery level, it’s just saying “?”. I have tried excluded and included it several times, reset the SP-816 to default, restarted the app - but still no battery indicator. Is my device broken or is it a software issue? Everything else work with the sensor.


Today I wanted to check total consumption on all my EverSpring AN158-6 and I expected to see total energy consumed (in kWh) like Fibaro Wall Plug

But I can’t see this data and I know these devices can report this one, I had it on my Fibaro HC2, any idea why it’s not available?

On Everspring AN158-6

On Fibaro Wall Plug (yes I know 10 years of running)

Did I miss something

Coupling a SM8 10-1 to Homey (version 10.0.10 on a 2019 Homey) went without a problem, after entering the 5 digit key of the SM8 10-1
Battery status is displayed.
A change in open/close status is signalled by the LED on the SM8 10-1.

In the Homey app no change is visible, with a message “last value unknown”

How to fix this??

The way to fix it:

From: GitHub - ralfvd/com.everspring: Everspring support Homey download all the files in a zip file
Unpack this zip file to a new directory on your computer (EverspringNEW)

Go to te new directory and open the subdirectory DRIVERS/SM810.
Use notepad to open the file device.js
Change the line

           this.registerCapability('alarm_contact', 'SENSOR_BINARY');


           this.registerCapability('alarm_contact', 'NOTIFICATION');

Save the file.

Next you have to use the files in the new directory “EverspringNEW” to install them on homey as a replacement of the existing Everspring app.
Delete a existing Everspring app.
See also: Getting Started | Homey Apps SDK

First of all you need to install node.js from Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere

After installing node.js:

Open the command line in Windows (cmd) and execute the following command. This installs the Homey CLI globally on your system and exposes the homey command.

              npm install --global --no-optional homey

Go to the new directory “EverspringNEW”
Open the command line in Windows en type: homey app install.
This will make the app available in the Homey app on your tablet, smartphone or desktop.

The SM8 10-1 should be available as a choice in the menu of the app on Homey.
After installing, the sensor notification should show up in Homey when the magnet is seperated from the sensorbody

Good luck

Kind regards

M.J.M. Boone
The Netherlands

As many other asked. Is there any chance for adding the an-196 2ch relay? I have several connected to Telldus but I want to move them to Homey

Hi, any chance of adding smoke detector SF813-2?
Thank you :pray:t2::grimacing:

Hi Bojan_M

I noticed your message just this moment
I am just an ordinary user of a Homey (old model), and not familiar with adding smoke detectors.

I am afraid I can not help You with your question.
Perhaps Github can be a source of help?

Kind Regards

Thanks for the reply :grimacing: