[APP][Pro] Everspring overall support topic

I second this request for support for SP815 PIR unit


Any chance of adding the SE812 Siren (as i bought 5).


Not many commands so might be easy :slight_smile:
Would love it, i can even provide one to test (and maybe sponsor as i got a good deal on the units).

Made the Drivers folder myself already last night, now going to try to edit the codes in the main folder.
And the i will try a merge request (never done that before).

See if this works (found a similar device so makes it easy (ZM1601)

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I would be hapy to see support fpr AN 196. This device can not be added using the generic Z-wave driver since it has two channels. So support by an app is needed. Preferebly adding one device for each channel.



Issue with AN158 ON/OFF plug (with power metering)

I have 3 of these devices and 1 of them has problem reporting the power metering
It reports but suddenly stops reporting, the switch still works but the last power metering update is suddenly hours ago.

When i go into developer tools and try to heal or test then it starts reporting again.
The other 2 switches do not have this issue an reports normally.

Is this a software bug or an other problem and can this be fixed somehow?

I have seen that Everspring devices can fail if it is bad meshing. The cause can be other bad devices or need for more power supplied devices.
Maybe not your problem, just my experience.

Please add support for AC301 – TRV (THERMOSTATIC RADIATOR VALVE).


If possible, please ad support for AC301.



I have a, well working, SP816 Outdoor PIR Detector. The only thing is that the battery percentage, as shown in the Homey App, is stuck on 1%. Some days ago I replaced the battery’s, and even after that the percentage is 1%. What can I do to resolve this problem?

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I second this request for support for SP815 PIR unit
/ Henrik


Please add support for SP817 - PIR detector


Thx in advance :smile:

Agree! It World be Very nice of you could SFD support for the AC301 / Nexa ZRT-106 thernostat valve. I can provide on of needed.
Hopeful!! :+1:


Hi I have a nexa SP-816 motion detector. It worked fine yesterday, and it still signals with a red light when I walk by. But it doesn’t send a signal to Homey anymore. It might be related to an upgrade to version 10.0.5 of homey that happened during the night. Any thoughts?

Hi. Will there be more updates for this app? Looking to implement the AN-196 two channel reley.


Is there any chanse for adding the an-196 2ch relay?

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Can´t find my ST812 flood sensor other than as a general Z-wave device.

Is there any updates for this?
Or another solution to get it included as correct device?
Homey Pro 2023

**[quote=“Daniel77, post:56, topic:30094, full:true”]
Can´t find my ST812 flood sensor other than as a general Z-wave device.

Is there any updates for this?
Or another solution to get it included as correct device?
Homey Pro 2023

I dont know how you enable pairing mode, but the device comes up in the everspring app under sensors**

I used the Everspring app but still it is not recognized as a flood sensor, just a general Z-wave unit.
Says something like “It doesn´t seems you have an app for this device”
Tried to exclude/include multiple times, restarted both my Homey and the Everspring app and removed the batteries in my ST812 a few hours…


Any chance to add the floodlight with motion sensor EH403-3?

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Thank you , i have struggle with this and i have a old one that works , ind the new one does not work with toogle switch but your Raw parameter fix it.


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I added one of my SM103 contact sensors. I cannot get any activity, no battery level and no history. Is there a parameter that needs to be changed?