[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

I did that with no result

Met vriendelijke groet,
Peter Regterschot

@Peter_Regterschot looks like a issue in the API. Will check once i’m able to do so

@Shaba49 looks like this is not active in the underlying library, i have to check if i’m able to fix that

Ok thanks

Met vriendelijke groet,
Peter Regterschot

I have also noticed that the ’ Motion Detected’ option does not seem to work in Homey either. So just the ‘Person detected’ alert works.

It would be great if you could get ‘Vehicle detected’ and ‘Motion detected’ working.

@Shaba49 motion detection (all other motions) should work. Please validate the notification settings of the camera:

Hi, all notification options are enabled on my end via the app.

I have 4 checked options…
Human, Vehicle, Pet & All other motion

UpToDate Firmware version is

@Shaba49 then please reproduce the issue and send a report after that

If you have another Eufy cam that records 24/7 you can use that cam to send the picture when someone push the doorbell.

Hi @martijnpoppen,

I have restarted Homey and the Eufy connection.
I am getting vehicle motion alerts in the Eufy app but still nothing via Homey.

Below is the diags report…


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I use Smart Presence to change the Modes on my Eufy products. The last couple of days it has been a hit or miss. Sometimes it doesn’t change at all and sometimes it can take up to an hour before it change. When I look in the Homey app I can see that Smart Presence have changed from home to away on all our devices and that should change Mode in the Eufy app.

If I change Mode in the Eufy app I get a notification from Homey that the Mode has changed. I have a button that can change Mode, if I press that, the Mode changes in the Eufy app and I get a notification from Homey.

It makes me wonder if it’s the Smart Presence app that’s the issue. At the same time Smart Presence does change status (Home/Away) in Homey.

I did move two doorbells from my Homebase 2 to my Homebase 3 not that long ago, by doing that I had to add new Modes to the HB 3. I used the same names for these Modes as I use on the HB 2, could this mess things up?

@Shaba49 will fix when im able to work on Homey apps :slight_smile:

@ExtraKim can you try to reproduce this by creating a flow which changes the modes?

So we can isolate the issue a bit?

Which function should it have? I do have a button that turns on a wifi device that can simulate that someone are at home, I could turn off Wifi on our phones and then use that device to change Home/Away in Smart Presence, would that be helpful?

@ExtraKim i meant something like this: https://homey.app/f/a43Ss2

Thanks for this but are you currently not working on Homey stuff?

@Shaba49 correct, but hopefully soon again :wink:

The image quality is excellent, however, I still get old images from ‘last movement detected’ in stead of ‘current’ realtime image snapshot at camera. So for example, when someone rings the door now, I get a snapshot image of a moment yesterday.

@RogerSt I see that aswell sometimes. unfortunately that’s due to the image decryption we fixed last year, unfortunately nothing i can do about that, sometimes the decryption is not proper and it corupts the image. Drawback of reverse engineering :wink:

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@martijnpoppen this is the Flow I use now. The first are “The last person left the household.” and the second are " “No one are present”.

This have worked for a long time, I did and the Homebase 3 named “Homebase” not that long ago. I don’t think that should matter.
I did see in the Homey app that both me and my wife was changed to “Away” in the Smart Presence app today, Eufy didn’t change to “Away”. When we got back home Eufy DID change to “Home”. The Flow that controls this look like this: