[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

Hi, any update on the feature request for “motion tracking” on/off for the Pan Tilt camera?

Hi @jonorland
Yep its not integrated in the app.

Due to lots of other things i didn’t look into it.

That would be great!

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 3.27.0):


1: NEW: added Motion Tracking flowcard
2: NEW: added Light condition flowcard

1: FIX: HB3 known person
2: FIX: Double detections
3: FIX: better logging
4: FIX: sensor events
5: FIX: HB3 doorbell press after face recognition fix

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey

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@Stefan_de_Vogelaere added as a condition flowcard :point_up:

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@jonorland added the motion tracking flowcard :point_up:

Thanks! Works great.

The new card has some text left from the Nightvision card :wink:

@jonorland oops, yep will fix. Copy paste of the flow card :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi @martijnpoppen having constant crashes with the app. I was thinking test, so removed and reinstalled with non-test. Readded all devices but still keeps crashing. Tried new login same. I have only one flow as well.


Hi @GRat
Looks like your cameras are not in the same Network as your Homey and therefore Homey keeps connecting to cameras which cant be connected resulting in too much cpu usage

Ok strange, they are all on the same network. One was on a different SID so I’ve changed that and rebooted all if them.

Goede avond

Dit wat hier onder gebeurt nu weer al drie keer vandaag erg moedeloos word je er van opties lijkt het zit ook in het netwerk maar niet bereikbaar, na op nieuwe opstaren gaat het goed zie dat het systeem geheugen veel gebruikt tegen de 300. Wat wordt hier mee gedaan en wat kunnen we er zelbaan doen. Gr Gerrit

Nu vandaag al twee keer de homey pro 2019 op nw moeten opstarten omdat hij niet bereikbaar is. Hij is wel met internet verbonden dit hersteld ook niet, na spanning er af halen 10sec wachten en er weer op is hij er weer. Heb ondangs uit garantie een nw ontvangen heeft goed gedraait en vandaag begint het weer. Wie weet wat te doen gr Gerrit

@Gerrit_De_Vrij Ik kan je er niet mee helpen maar je post staat nu in het Engelstalige gedeelte.
Je kan hem eventueel vertalen of je post het nog een keer in het Nederlandstalige topic van Eufy.
Sorry for the Dutch :wink:

Anders word hij toch verplaatst door een moderator.

@Gerrit_De_Vrij doesn’t look like your talking about the Eufy app
Please Remove or translate your post as your in the English section of the forum

@Mike1233 please keep this topic in English, thanks!

@martijnpoppen I had already apologized for the Dutch in my reply. :smiley:

The poster is replying to himself, stating in his first post that he found problems with the Eufi (Eufy I think) app.
But maybe he is still responding.

@Mike1233 yes i understood that. But i dont think this issue has something to do with the Eufy app.

@martijnpoppen Ah, ok. Didn’t know if you had read what he had written, hence.


I have a issue, where i need some guidence. I have a eufy 2k Doorbell, I have created two accounts and added the base and camera. I can retrieve the thumbnail from the camera. the battery level and Temprature reading is working. But the the doorbell press detection - Person detection and Motion detection is not registering anything, Just NO all of the time. no matter what i do infront of the camera - push the doorbell button… The eufy app registers everything. So the milion dollar qusstion is what to do?

Eufy app is working as it should, x-google functionality (known issue) I get the popup when someone pushes the BoorBell.

Any help would be recieved with many thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @RuneTun
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