[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

@martijnpoppen I can confirm that sensors are working again

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@MF_212 maybe send it to athom support. Do other flowcards work? As in do you have the issue only with Eufy?

@heula nice thanks!
Btw this latest test release fixes the person recognition:D

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@martijnpoppen I will lett you know how things go with people recognizing.


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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 3.26.8):



1: FIX: HB3 known person
2: FIX: Double detections
3: FIX: better logging
4: FIX: sensor events
5: FIX: HB3 doorbell press after face recognition fix

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey

Will this be an issue if you re-start Homey each day?

@ExtraKim no, i restart a lot. (During development)
Also have nightly Homey restart and zero issues

I have a flow that restarts my Homey each morning.

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Any chance to add the Lamp status of the Eufy Flood light as a variable that you can use? If I go into the device I can switch on/off the lamp. But if i need it in a flow where i uave a switch button, i need to turn the lamp on when its off and visa versa. However I do not have the state of the lamp i can use. Thx for looking.

@martijnpoppen - found a bug, I have chosen to show the battery status here, but it always revert back to to temperature instead. I have rescheduled restarts of my Homey, maybe it happens after that.


Another thing. Anyone succeeded to get anything else than “Unknown” from the “Person” tag using the “Person Detected” When-card?

I recently bought HB3 with EufyCam 3C cameras. When the system is armed, I always log to the timeline when a “Person Detected” event occurs. In this log, I use the “Person” tag, but I always get “Unknown” from it. In the Eufy app, I have a face recognition though, with name and all.

Using the latest test version, v3.26.8.

@Peter_Kalrsson thats not something i can handle. Please contact Athom for that.

Latest test version has a fix for person detection.
Please let me know which camera and send a report after a known person should have been detected

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@Stefan_de_Vogelaere i can add it but it wont be really helpful as the state will only be kept on the Homey side. So lets say the light was turned on from Eufy itself it wont reflect in the app. Therefore i chose not to include these kind of checks

@Peter_Kalrsson thats not something i can handle. Please contact Athom for that.

Latest test version has a fix for person detection.
Please let me know which camera and send a report after a known person should have been detected

@martijnpoppen, maybe you can see if this log shows something useful:


The camera “Eufy EufyCam S300 carport” has a facial recognition in the Eufy app at 22:30:36. I log the detection in the timeline at 22:30:43, and the “Person” tag results in “Unknown”.

@Peter_Kalrsson looks like its not there at all. Are you in the latest HB3 firmware? There are issues currently in the latest firmware. Acknowledged today by Eufy


I am on v3.4.7.9

@Peter_Kalrsson do you still faces in the Homebase settings?

Ah ok, I see… it would help me because I am only using Homey to control it :slight_smile: So wouldn’t it make send to just add it with a note that it’s only controlled by Homey?
I am currently adding the “home”, “away” status for the flood light when I switch it on;off to know what I need to do; another option - I wouldn’t like - is to use two physical buttons in my home to switch on/off.

@Stefan_de_Vogelaere i can add it. Thats not a problem. But no guarantee it will always reflect the lights status

Yes, if you mean “HomeBase > Face Management” in the Eufy app - all the familiar faces are there, as before.

And the particular camera, "Eufy EufyCam S300 carport”, had a facial recognition in the Eufy app yesterday at 22:30:36, i.e. the name of the familiar face was recorded in the cameras timeline in the Eufy app.

I have no clue whether its a bug or not, but I have never ever had any other result than “Unknown” from the “Person” tag in Homey.

@Peter_Kalrsson alright thanks

No its not a bug. It was never there. And as said i made a fix in the the last test version which allows to have the known person detection for all cameras connected to the HB3. Also raised a PR at the Eufy sdk for that.

So if you are on the last test version. Then clearly something isnt working as expected.

So please send a report after a known person has been detected.

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