[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

I get stuck with an old image again. It doesn’t update anymore. Restarted the app, tried fixing it. Logged in again with second account. Updated to latest version although I had that one already but nothing helps. Is there a quick fix for this?
Dual doorbell S330/E340 with Homebase 2

@Marcus_Bitterling Please also explain which image and what you tried up till now.

The image from the doorbell as shown here. Obviously this wasn’t a few seconds ago.
As said, tried fixing the app, restarting it, reinstalling it, logging into Eufy app with both accounts to refresh the image but nothing helps.

@Marcus_Bitterling see FAQ Q1 and Q3 [APP][Pro] Eufy Security - #4 by martijnpoppen - Apps - Homey Community Forum

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So today I’ve received my Homey and I’ve tried to connect my Dual Doorbell. I already have an extra Eufy account and when I try to login (doesn’t matter if I use EU or US) it says that there are no devices found. When I login in the Eufy app on my iPhone I can see them… Am I doing something wrong?

@JayJavier hard to say without any info. Please send a diagnostic report

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 3.26.5):



1: FIX: HB3 known person
2: FIX: Double detections
3: FIX: better logging

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey

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@martijnpoppen since the last update my sensoren are longer working in Homey.
In some cases they turn on the light but that is not working now. When I open a door with a sensor I do not see an open icon appear on the tile in Homey.



@Heula I do see them working the logs.

@martijnpoppen I have restarted Homey and the Homebase 3 but for some reason it does not work, even if the log says otherwise :wink:

See here what Eufy reports and what Homey reports.

@Heula then the fix is to install the live version. You’re currently on the test version

@martijnpoppen okay, I will go back to the live version than.

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 3.26.6):



1: FIX: HB3 known person
2: FIX: Double detections
3: FIX: better logging
4: FIX: sensor events

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey

@Heula should be fixed again :slight_smile:

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@martijnpoppen Will test when I get home.


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Is it possible to have the Homestation 3 trigger an alarm for a short time?
When I focus the system, I would like to know that it worked. In addition to the push message

@MF_212 yes you can trigger the alarm via a flowcard:

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 14.35.53

Unfortunately that does not work.
I can enter everything but then “done” is still gray

@MF_212 that looks like a Homey app issue. Not related to this app

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Yes, it works in the browser.