[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

@Lars_Laugen still the same as:

Can you try a new account? This is not something I can fix. this is an issue on your account/network


Iā€™m trying to trigger a short 1 sec alarm on my s330 using a flow. But I get this error message.

@Filip_Hammarstrom please send a report

Hello Martin,

So after 2 weeks it did again.


Can you please check?

@Jan_Vitasek please try to restart the app or Homey. Your report show quite some errors. Please next time first try a restart, as that most of the time fixes it. I canā€™t fix these things this is just the connection between Homey and Eufy which might time out.

Personally i restart my Homey every night because a lot of apps tend to break every 48 hours.

Hi everyone,

I noticed a nice discount on Robbshop. So Iā€™m trying to figure out whether I should buy the Eufy 2k with or without homebase.

I tried reading through this topic but itā€™s big :slight_smile:

I noticed that streaming to Homey is not possible due to API limits? So I guess that applies to HDashboard? That would be too bad. Having a pop-up in the dashboard with a stream would be very cool.

Or did I missed something?

@Quakerix thats correct cloud streams a encrypted and we couldnt figure it out. So only snapshots now

and for your choice of cam. Check out lifehackster on youtube. He does a review for all Eufy cameras

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Here is the code: 11de8cbb-6ad3-443a-9d6d-ef4263eabd56

@Filip_Hammarstrom looks like you restarted the app and send a report after that. Ofcourse it wont include your try of the alarm.

Please try to set the alarm and send a new report so i can see what happens

Hi guys, installed the app on my Homey, great work! However just a quick question: is there a way to sound the siren on the camera device itself when detecting motion? Is this the generic alarm setting?


Sure. Here it is.

@Joske522 yes it is

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@Filip_Hammarstrom nothing to see in the logs, can you share your flow? also please specify which S330 (thereā€™s a Camera, a Doorbell or a Floodlight cam)
but the error you showed is that you didnā€™t fill in the arguments in the flow card. you should fill in the duration

Thanks for your hard work, that is awesome! :slight_smile:

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New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 3.25.1):


1: NEW: add self-hosted snapshot option (See: FAQ Q13)

1: Library/API update

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)


Allow users to use a self-hosted snapshot service to prevent the 30 snapshot per day limit.

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Just tried a simple test flow, but the cameraā€™s alarm is not sounding. I tested if the motion alerts come through in Homey, and this is working. Anything in the settings I should change?


@Joske522 which camera is this?

Itā€™s the Solocam S340 :slight_smile: (connected via the Homebase 3)

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@Joske522 I have the same setup here, will test it as well. Iā€™ll let you know

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@Joske522 doesnā€™t work indeed. I have to check with the developer of the Eufy library if he knows why. Will come back on this