[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

Hey @Rime

Do you mean this page?

I also saw that sometimes the stream can’t get requested.

To verify if your stream works: https://mysecurity.eufylife.com

It looked like this. But after logging in to the link you gave me and starting the stream from there it worked again!

And now it stopped working again… Same problem.

Nice! After the changes Eufy made to all their api endpoints the steaming doesn’t work as flawless as before. Even in the link i sent doesn’t always work

Ah :frowning:

Can you send a diagnostic report?

You can do that via the mobile Homey app:

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report


Sorry, I am not fully up-to-date with all the API changes and what is currently not working - but I tried to fetch an image from my doorbell and then I got your text saying: “Eufy has made changes…”.

Do you think this will be possible to solve at all?

Sometimes it works, sometimes it dosn’t, but i can’t find any pattern.


@Peter_Kalrsson yes a fix is being worked on! But its reverse engineering so takes quite some time to understand the encryption Eufy made :slight_smile:

@Rime will have a look this weekend!

Thank you very much! :slightly_smiling_face:

@Rime I also see you call the stop stream card. I would suggest to not do this, as it blocks any API requests due to a too high amount of requests. Eufy has a limit on the amount of reqeusts. Not sure what that limit is though, but I would suggest to not make any unecessary requests.

The stream will automatically stop after 5 minutes :slight_smile:


I just sent the last file :slight_smile:

Hey! Will check and make a test version soon. Then you can test it out :slight_smile:

Allright, then I’ll remove that. Thanks for looking in to it!

Hi. First of all, thanks for a great app.
I have some 2K Pan/Tilt. When i’m home i want to turn them facing a wall, and then turn them off.
I tried solve this by using a flow that turn the lens left 80, then turn left 80 again after 5 seconds (the max value of turn is 90), then turn off after 10 seconds. When on its the same but reversed. On, right 80, right 80.

My problem is that the position of the camera is not the same after a on/off/on flow.

Due to privacy reasons i want the camera to turn away when off.

Any suggestions?
Maybe allow more than 90 degrees pr command?

90 degrees is the max. Next to that it mght be that a command times out. 2x 80 degrees is 160 commands to your camera :stuck_out_tongue:

So it’s a tricky one.

Don’t really see a easy fix for this :thinking:

New app update (LIVE: 3.6.5):


1: FIX: add option enable/disabled enforced include thumbnail notifications

  • (only disable it when you don’t want to use cloud images. Homey selects the best option to function properly :slight_smile: )

2. FIX: person detection for T8432

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

New app update (TEST: 3.7.0):


1: NEW: add French locale :fr: (Thanks to @Matthieu_Moreau

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey

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Did you manage to see the flow on your nest?

Hello everyone, I can not understand how this card works, could you explain me?
