[APP][Pro] Eufy Clean


with both versions I cannot find the local Key for my robovac 35C (aka Geertje). Can you help?

Hey @Jeroen_Timmerman
Yes I can. I can use the same method as I use for the X8 :slight_smile:
If you share your Robovac with me I can check.

Iā€™ll send my email in a DM

@Jeroen_Timmerman send you the login details in DM

New app update (live: 1.5.2):

  • FIX: add extra logs for debug purposes

@martijnpoppen - I followed all your tips but get multiple types of errors when adding a Robovac C15 Max to Homey (timed out, could not find pairsession, and more). Robovac has a static IP, I THINK I have the correct strings from ADBā€¦ But still no luck.
Youā€™re an epic boss, but can you help fix this too?

@Infern4w Probably :stuck_out_tongue:
You can send me a diagnostic report.

More - apps - Eufy Home - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report


Am wondering whether Iā€™m using the correct ā€˜localkeyā€™, used ā€˜productIDā€™ instead, as this is a 16-char string. Got no localkey back from ADBā€¦

PS. was not able to send you a DM it seemsā€¦

Iā€™ll DM you :slight_smile:

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Hi Martin,
Thanks for the big work around this topic. Iā€™m stuck funding the devide id etc. for my L70. Would you be kind to help me?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Hey @Godby ,
Sure I can help.
Iā€™ll DM you

1 Like

New app update (live: 1.5.4):

  • FIX: pairing for Eufy Robovac without Status

New app update (live: 1.5.5):

  • FIX: paring errors when device not found


I have the Eufy Robovac G10, but I canā€™t get it to work with Homey. I have al the information like IP, Device ID, Local Key. In the router settings the Robovac has a fixed internal IP adres. But nothing.
Did I miss something?

Regards, Guido

Hey @Kaassie
Thatā€™s strange.
Sometimes the localkey shown in the app is wrong.
If you want I can try to get the data again for you.

Also can you send me a diagnostic report?

More - apps - Eufy Home - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report

Looks like the address you use for connecting is your public IP.
Make sure to use a internal IP.

Same problemā€¦

Not sure if your details are correct. If you want you can share the Robovac with me and Iā€™ll take a look.
Iā€™ll dm you

Can you also share a new report?

Hey all,
Seems like there are multiple people where the Robovac stopped working in Homey.
What I can see is that Eufy Home changed the localKey in that case.

Only thing to do:

  • Get the keys again (see the methods in the FAQ)

Martijn, youā€™re a rockstar! Thanks for helping me obtaining the keys :grinning:

1 Like

Hi Martijn,

Need your help again. :relaxed:
Just started tot add my eufy robovac 550c
Had some troubles with finding the local key etc but after switching pcā€™s etc find the keys. Butā€¦ I have a local key end a device key, i Made a fixed Ip, the robovac is on the same network as homey en firewall on router is not off because I canā€™t but at low setting. Every time I put in the ip, keys etc it gives a connection timeout.

Can you help?
