[APP][Pro] Eufy Clean

Hey @Johnn ,
Yes sure!
will send you a DM :slight_smile:

Hi Martijn,

Can I add the robovac R550C?


I have an iPhone I need to find the information for aarding the device.

Hey @Yannick_Eeckelaert

If the R550c use the Eufy Home app then probably yes. as long as it is Tuya based.
For iphone itā€™s not possible to retrieve the deviceId and localykey.
But with a emulator this is possible.

See: [APP][Pro] Eufy Home - #4 by martijnpoppen Q1
As a emulator I would suggest noxappplayer
Install the apk on the emulator and the keys will show up.

I have a c15 Max ,and canā€™t get the trick with the apk work, as itā€™s recognized as ā€œnot validā€ ,probably because of newer installed version from Eufy. Iā€™ve also tried to connect the phone via USB to the pc without any luck. Iā€™ve only got the ip adress, so any suggestion which doesnā€™t require a Masters in programming ?

Hey @Steinar_Sundberg ,
Did you share the device with another Eufy account? Because with your default account you wonā€™t see it.
If you canā€™t manage you can share your Robovac with me if you want, Iā€™ll return you the deviceId and Localkey. Let me know in a DM, then Iā€™ll share my email with you :wink:

Downloaded NoxPlayer , and installed the app in post one. Got device id and Local Key ,but just get ā€œcould not find that pairSessionā€
I will dm you :slight_smile:

Hi all, since 11 days my Robovac 35c does not send status messages to Homey or receive commands from it, this happened from one day to the other.

I checked the settings in the emulated app and the homey app and theryā€™re the same, accept the the local and public IP address were wit worked with before.


In the emulated app and official Eufy app it works great but in Homey no response and old statuses.

When I click the Debug Logs checkbox, it returns this error message.

Any idea of whatā€™s wrong?

Hey @Hermann_Stengel

For the local IP. Did you make a static IP in your router?
The Robovac changes ip when it goes in standby.
Make sure the local IP is the same in your router and in the Homey app

Wait! Just restarted the app and now it seems to work!
So stupid I didnā€™t do this before!

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Tuya sometimes has a connection drop.

Iā€™ll check if I can fix that

Thanks Martijn, youā€™re so incredibly fast.
When Max is half so fast as you are, heā€™ll surely win today :slight_smile:

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Letā€™s hope so :crossed_fingers:
He should win :smiley:

first - thank you for the app.
I have a RoboVac 30C and didnā€™t manage to get the ā€œlocalKeyā€ out of that app. I tried with your modified old version of the app and also with adb tools, but it only shows the ā€œdevIDā€. Same result with shared and unshared account.

App-Version 2.6.60
WLAN Version 1.1.5
MCU Version 1.6.0

Any Idea? Iā€™m using a SGS 20 Ulta - didnā€™t try emulator so far.
thx in advance

Oh thatā€™s unfortunate.
I can get it for you.
Iā€™ll DM you

Thank you very much Martijn!
The fastes reply and solution Iā€™ve ever seen :smiley:

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I have also tried your guide with my c35 but i cant get the local key
Anybody that can help med?

I can get it for you.
Iā€™ll DM you

Sound great

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Hello Martijn,

Thanks for the app. Iā€™m trying to add my G30 Verge but with an iPhone so no option for 1 and 2 to retrieve the data to login. How do I solve this? Also adding a user doesnā€™t show the data anywhere.


Hey Martijn :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll DM you,

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