[APP][Pro] Eufy Clean

It works now with v2.2.7


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Hi @martijnpoppen ,

My X10 Pro Omni just arrived. The EufyClean app configured, the vacuum works well.
Trying to add to the Homey, but getting this error.
What am I doing wrong?

“Name : Robovac”,
“Model : X10 Pro Omni”,
“MAC Address : XXXX”,
“Device ID : XXXX”,
“Firmware Version : 2.1.10”,
“Station firmware version : 0.5.5”,
“App Version : 3.3.0”,
“Wi-Fi Name : XXXX”,
“Log Status : OFF”

@HomeyAlliance are you on the test version of the app? → [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #546 by martijnpoppen

Thanks, now found it.
How do I identify the scenes? It says 1,2, etc…
Is it based the order in the eufy app?

@HomeyAlliance correct. However if you read back a bit. The first one is now linked to 4.

Will be fixed tomorrow

My X8 Pro did not work until app restart, great!

However it looks like spot clean is the normal vacuum.
Normal vacuum does not work.
Back to dock works like it should.

Report ID: e5ed5468-d140-4ad4-9f61-2744ff60991e

Spot clean is not available in flows:

@Robin_van_Kekem spot clean is something i need to dive into.

For the old models you always had to select the spot in the normal app and then start spot clean. Still wondering if this is even do-able with the limitations from Homey

Ah yes, that’s true.

Hello Martijn.

Question. Is it also possible to start a flow when it is finished doing his job?
On this moment i let the S1 tell me it is done doing his job when it’s charging or i can to it when it’s docked. But when it’s mopping and it want to refill it’s watertank in between it’s job it falsely is saying it’s done it’s job.

So is it possible to include finishing it’s job?

@Pieter_Pessers I have to check that, I don’t think it’s giving that status, but I would nee to actively log that to find that. Will try to set soemthing up to read all the values, maybe add some logs

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Thanks. Can i help?

@Pieter_Pessers At the moment not, i have to setup a script which will check all data and log that to the report.

Not a problem. If it’s possible it would be great. Else i will make a timer in the flow that if it doesn’t resume after 5 minutes it will see it as a finished job. Else it will be seen as a job still in progress but just headed back for a refill.

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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 2.2.8):

Great news! All new devices have been added to the app.
See supported device list: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #3 by martijnpoppen

When installing the new version when you already had a Robovac connected to Homey. You’ll be asked to repair your device. This is due to changes from the old API to the new one.

:warning: Please not that repairing and login take a long time due to all different API’s


1. NEW: Add all Eufy Clean devices
2. NEW: Cloud connection to new devices
3. BREAK: App rewrite to support all 3 API Types.
4. NEW: Change App name and branding
5: FIX: start auto cleaning | FIX: clean speed crash | FIX: commands
6: FIX: remove unclear device settings | FIX: update paired devicelist when removing a device
7: FIX: X10 protocol issue
8: FIX: disable scene clean until properly supported
9: NEW: Support S1! :tada:

Added on 16-07-24:
10: FIX: crash when adding S1
11 NEW: select cleaning parameters (mopping, sweeping, intensity etc)
12 NEW: add scene cleaning
13: FIX: S1 API
14 NEW: add dynamic flowcards based on data

Added on 17-07-24:
15 FIX: Device could not be found due to Region. Auto select region based on Eufy API

Added on 26-07-24:
16 FIX: scenes for X10

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Home - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Hi Martijn,

with my S10 I can use scenes 1-10 as before (but it doesn’t work as before).
Mit nettem Gruss

@Rudiger sorry can you please explain what you mean?

Also I don’t think there’s a s10?

What I changed for the scenes: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #555 by martijnpoppen

I have a X10, and when i go to installera Eufy Home, it installs v.1.8.9., and cant fond my vac, How the h, do i get a Newer version of the app? The test version just crashes…

Hi @Marcus_Molin

The newest is the test version: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #572 by martijnpoppen

@Pieter_Pessers i checked for the above. I think you can manage this with the Work Status. Which will be go-home when it’s done

Hello Martijn.

Thanks for the suggestion. But i saw that when he cuts his job to get fresh water and empties his dirty water the work status als changes to go_home.

So it can’t see when it is refilling or finished a job.