[APP][Pro] Eufy Clean

@Tom_Tschuor sent you a DM :wink:

New v2.2.4 still does not connect to S1 pro.


@Tom_Tschuor correct. This message was made after release 2.2.4: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #537 by martijnpoppen

Amazing work. Thank you. The prefined scenes would be even more amazing. Is it also an option to get the map which has been done the last? Just as a nice feature to show it on your dashboard for example.

@Sibren_ter_Hove Which model do you use? Predefined scenes is for X10 only. Selecting rooms etc is all other models like X8/X9/S1.

Getting the latest map is not a feature Iā€™m looking at, In my opinion it doesnā€™t add much value with the current Homey dashboards.

I rather wait for a dashboard were i can contribute to so that i can deliver a dynamic map :wink:

I use the X10. I can see the scene option now but i think itā€™s not finished yet right? It says scene one to ten and doesnā€™t get the right data yet. Or maybe i do something wrong.

About the map i fully understand. Itā€™s only a thing that would be nice to show instead of it adding a lot of value for everyone.

@Sibren_ter_Hove not sure what you expect there? Scenes are finished. Itā€™s not possible to fetch the scene names so thatā€™s why they called 1 to 10

Edit: did a small fix for the scenes as they didnā€™t fetch the correct one :wink:

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 2.2.7):

Great news! All new devices have been added to the app.
See supported device list: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #3 by martijnpoppen

When installing the new version when you already had a Robovac connected to Homey. Youā€™ll be asked to repair your device. This is due to changes from the old API to the new one.

:warning: Please not that repairing and login take a long time due to all different APIā€™s


1. NEW: Add all Eufy Clean devices
2. NEW: Cloud connection to new devices
3. BREAK: App rewrite to support all 3 API Types.
4. NEW: Change App name and branding
5: FIX: start auto cleaning | FIX: clean speed crash | FIX: commands
6: FIX: remove unclear device settings | FIX: update paired devicelist when removing a device
7: FIX: X10 protocol issue
8: FIX: disable scene clean until properly supported
9: NEW: Support S1! :tada:

Added on 16-07-24:
10: FIX: crash when adding S1
11 NEW: select cleaning parameters (mopping, sweeping, intensity etc)
12 NEW: add scene cleaning
13: FIX: S1 API
14 NEW: add dynamic flowcards based on data

Added on 17-07-24:
15 FIX: Device could not be found due to Region. Auto select region based on Eufy API

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Home - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

@Tom_Tschuor @Kamil_Jopek @Bram_B
Fixed the adding of the devices :point_up:

Was some region issue which is now resolved :slight_smile:

They do fetch the correct one now but he canā€™t process it correctly. It says positioning done cant reach destination. When i start the same scenario in eufy itā€™s not giving issues.

@Sibren_ter_Hove can you try different scenes? it should also show that it started the scene, might be a issue with wrong scene_id but havenā€™t found a way to fetch it

Noice! Works like a charm, thanks a lot!

Nice! :tada:

Mine is still not working althought it now allowed me to pull the device into Homey Pro but now the device in Homey Pro and says unavailable.


@Tom_Tschuor please update to 2.2.7 youā€™re on a older version

@martijnpoppen it works now but I have 3 scenarios. But I have to select scenario 4,5 and 6. So just have to try and figure out which one is correct but once you did it works perfectly. Thanks for the amazing work. Now going to add another scenario and see if it will be scenario 7. Because the last scenario I added is scene 4 in homey. Iā€™ll keep you in touch.

@Sibren_ter_Hove i changed that after your message yesterday.
The first scene has ID 4. So i can turn that back again so scene 1 will trigger scene 1.

I thought my X10 was wrong, but seems like thats how it works. Will update it :slight_smile:

Yeah the weird thing atm is. I just mentioned I have 4,5 and 6. I added a new. one that became 6. And 6 became 7. So when I add another it gets mixed up again.

@Sibren_ter_Hove :exploding_head:
Makes no sense to me

Iā€™ll try if i can somehow fetch the ids. Because this will be really buggy like this

Yeah I agree. If you need more testing then just send a message. Allang blij dat je dit allemaal gemaakt hebt :smiley:

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