[APP][Pro] Eufy Clean

I will do that. Is there a possibility that it will let it knows that it finished a scene? So i can start a next scene when door is open?

@Pieter_Pessers I need to add that, it will go to ‘docked’ now. Also when it’s returning to home

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@Robin_van_Kekem no only if you have them in the original app.

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@Robin_van_Kekem clean speed error is fixed in V2.2.1

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I tryed the “start scene …” but the S1 pro doesn’t start. No matter which scene i select. Also start with “start scene …” and after that “start vacuum” it ignores the rooms and start autoclean instead.


@Pieter_Pessers First of all thanks for your kind donation! :pray:

I checked your report, but somehow it’s ignoring everything.
Can you restart the app and send me a report after that?

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@Pieter_Pessers i just released 2.2.2 which i think will fix the issue. (made a change to the API but seem like it probalby doesnt work :stuck_out_tongue: )

Your welcome. Really happy with the progression you made. Tried v2.2.2, but still no go.

See log dbcff7a7-f779-4aa4-906e-cd8bd3e68d92

@Pieter_Pessers unfortunately i don’t see the issue in the logs, can you restart again and once it’s started send me a new report?

My X10 seems to work, but i guess you have some weird API response. That would make sense because there are others who can’t add the S1, but then we have to find the issue :sweat_smile:

Ofcourse. This is the log after restart and waited till my S1 is connected. (Takes like 20 seconds.)


Also is it maybe easier or possible to select a few scene’s and then “start cleaning selected area’s” instead of “start auto scenes”?

@Pieter_Pessers can you try v2.2.3?

Selecting area’s is a different function. the scenes are the same as the scenario’s you’ll define in the eufy app. I will look into the area’s but that will be a bit harder as it is dynamic per setup per person

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 2.2.3):

Great news! All new devices have been added to the app.
See supported device list: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #3 by martijnpoppen

When installing the new version when you already had a Robovac connected to Homey. You’ll be asked to repair your device. This is due to changes from the old API to the new one.

:warning: Please not that repairing and login take a long time due to all different API’s


1. NEW: Add all Eufy Clean devices
2. NEW: Cloud connection to new devices
3. BREAK: App rewrite to support all 3 API Types.
4. NEW: Change App name and branding
5: FIX: start auto cleaning | FIX: clean speed crash | FIX: commands
6: FIX: remove unclear device settings | FIX: update paired devicelist when removing a device
7: FIX: X10 protocol issue
8: FIX: disable scene clean until properly supported
9: NEW: Support S1! :tada:

Added on 16-07-24:
10: FIX: crash when adding S1
11 NEW: select cleaning parameters (mopping, sweeping, intensity etc)
12 NEW: add scene cleaning
13: FIX: S1 API

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Home - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Got it.

I tryed v2.2.3. Still no go. Did i made a mistake in my eufy clean app? Could it be possible that the problem is that i have two maps?

@Pieter_Pessers shouldn’t matter.

Can you share your S1 with me so i can check the response?

What do you mean with share?

@Pieter_Pessers sharing settings in the bottom:

Then you can invite somebody with a email.

P.S. when i do “start auto clean” it start the vacuum. The moment it is out of the dock and i select “start scene …” it stops and does nothing until i give a next command like “return to dock”.

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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 2.2.4):

Great news! All new devices have been added to the app.
See supported device list: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #3 by martijnpoppen

When installing the new version when you already had a Robovac connected to Homey. You’ll be asked to repair your device. This is due to changes from the old API to the new one.

:warning: Please not that repairing and login take a long time due to all different API’s


1. NEW: Add all Eufy Clean devices
2. NEW: Cloud connection to new devices
3. BREAK: App rewrite to support all 3 API Types.
4. NEW: Change App name and branding
5: FIX: start auto cleaning | FIX: clean speed crash | FIX: commands
6: FIX: remove unclear device settings | FIX: update paired devicelist when removing a device
7: FIX: X10 protocol issue
8: FIX: disable scene clean until properly supported
9: NEW: Support S1! :tada:

Added on 16-07-24:
10: FIX: crash when adding S1
11 NEW: select cleaning parameters (mopping, sweeping, intensity etc)
12 NEW: add scene cleaning
13: FIX: S1 API
14 NEW: add dynamic flowcards based on data

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Home - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

It seems that the S1 pro is using a old API. I expected it to use the same API as the X10 but it doesn’t

I already asked Eufy why they made this decision.

So if you have a S1 and you can’t not add it to Homey, please let me know or share the device with me so i can investigate

Edit: the S1 is working in Homey, but some people experience that they cant add it

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I will share mine with you. What is your email @martijnpoppen ?

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