[APP][Pro] Eufy Clean

@Pieter_Pessers then I’m afraid I can’t change that.

These are the states I get:

enum State {
        STANDBY = 0;            // 待机、建图暂停、暂停清洁、暂停回洗、暂停回充、暂停巡航、寻找机器人
        SLEEP = 1;              // 休眠
        FAULT = 2;              // 故障
        CHARGING = 3;           // 升级中(未来可能考虑非充电状态也能升级)、充电中、充电完成、充电异常
        FAST_MAPPING = 4;       // 定位中、快速建图
        CLEANING = 5;           // 定位中、全局清洁、选区清洁、划区清洁、定点清洁、回洗拖布中、清洗拖布中
        REMOTE_CTRL = 6;        // 遥控中
        GO_HOME = 7;            // 定位中、回充中(包括清洁完成回充、低电回充)
        CRUISIING = 8;          // 定位中、巡航中

Yes. I see. Sad that Eufy also didn’t include that. They can make a lot of improvements in there api.

But not to worry. If the S1 returns to the base station i let it start a counter. If it isn’t resuming a task after 10 minutes i will let it set as finished.

Thanks for checking.

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Hello Martijn,

Just bought an x10 omni pro. Updated it to the latest firmware and was trying to get it recognized in Homey pro 2019 (also on the latest version and the latest app version).
When i log in with my uefy credentials it says it cant find my vacuum. Any suggestions?

Best regards

@Bart_Konings X10 is only supported in the test version. The app got a complete rewrite and is still in testing phase: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #572 by martijnpoppen

Ah, thank you. Looking forward to the new app :grinning:

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@Bart_Konings feel free to install the test version and try it out :slight_smile:

New app update (:purple_square: TEST (Waiting for Go-Live): 2.3.0):


1. NEW: Add all Eufy Clean devices (also X10 and S1 :tada:)
2. BREAK: App rewrite to support all 3 API Types. (Mqtt, Cloud, Local)
3. NEW: Change App name and branding
4. NEW: Auto select region based on Eufy API
5. NEW: add backwards compatibility to create a seamless app upgrade

See supported device list: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #3 by martijnpoppen

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Clean - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Home App for Homey | Homey

Hey @martijnpoppen I’ve send a diagnostics report 5d970b54-3833-48b7-b804-0b0ca9d1947b. When trying to add the S1 Pro it keeps loading after login. Would be happy to help of you need more input from my side / device. Great work :+1:

@pvp It says password length error. Which indicates to me that you’re using a too long password to use this API.

Can you verify this? :slight_smile:

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 2.3.2):


1. NEW: Add all Eufy Clean devices (also X10 and S1 :tada:)
2. BREAK: App rewrite to support all 3 API Types. (Mqtt, Cloud, Local)
3. NEW: Change App name and branding
4. NEW: Auto select region based on Eufy API
5. NEW: add backwards compatibility to create a seamless app upgrade

See supported device list: [APP][Pro] Eufy Clean - #3 by martijnpoppen

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Clean - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Clean App for Homey | Homey

That is pretty silly, but indeed the login works with less (16 characters instead of 32), but now I get a “no devices found”. e2d182d5-c211-493c-9572-aaa0294618f2

@pvp interesting indeed :sweat_smile:

Can you try to restart the app? Try again and send a new report?

Sure, one thing I noticed in the meantime is that the device shows as T2080A not T2080

@pvp oh ignore my message, i see a issue in the code :wink:
will fix!

It does work now.

@pvp I updated the app to 2.3.2 to prevent this from happening again :slight_smile:

Glad it works!

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I have a Robovac Omni 10 and when it stops cleaning and is charging on the doc, the status continues to show cleaning. Therefor a stop-flow is also not executed.

Is this a known issue? I have the 2.3.2 version.

@Jomi Not a known issue. The app went live today adding support for the X10.
So please send a diagnostic report

Diag: 0b4b0e71-d6d3-4446-a5ec-290c530a3410

I’ve upgraded to the latest version and perform the repair. The battery status and work mode status etc seem to work, but no instructions from the flows work. Any ideas?

@John_Forrest nothing to see in the report
Please restart the app, reproduce the issue and send a new report