[App][Pro] ESP Easy (Firmware for ESP32, NodeMCU, Wemos...)

Will there be support for the new Homey Pro 2023?


@Joolee i flahed ESP eays on a node MCU, and selected the HC-SR04 for my JSN-SR04T (just like last time) but i dont get any input. i do notice i have a JSN-SR04T V 3.0 nowā€¦ not sure if this can be the problem and if so if its posible to adjust code for this ? these sensors are water proof. (te HC-SR04 are not)

Edit; got it working.

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Will there be support for the new Homey Pro 2023?


Will this app be updated so it works with new Homey?

@Joolee this is not working ? If the ip changes due to events (power outā€¦) and the devices comes back up with different Ip i need to erase the device and reinstall Everything.

On the other hand, that is a good reason why one should reserve IP addresses for your domotica devices.
Then theyā€™ll never get an other IP after f.i. power outages.

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I am working on that. :wink:

Hi Joolee and/or fellow ESP Easy app users,

(EDIT: I just enabled Controller 1, configured as HA MQTT ā†’ it sends the temp-, humid- and motion values via MQTT w/o any problem)
Screenshot from 2023-06-07 01-00-50

Iā€™m trying to get a DHT11 temp/humid sensor ( @ GPIO-4 D2) to Homey.
Iā€™ve read this complete thread, and the Wiki and all, but Iā€™m stuck.

I canā€™t select the DHT sensors, although they show their value in the ESPeasy device webpage.
I added a dummy sensor, and I can add it as ā€œEnvironmentā€ temperature/humidity input. But the DHT is not available to select from ā€œEnvironmentā€, Iā€™ve also tried every other input type.

Screenshot from 2023-06-07 00-40-40

The LD2410 mmwave motion alarm output is connected to GPIO-13 D7 as ā€œinput-switchā€, and it now sends motion alarms, thatā€™s nice.
Only, it canā€™t be configured yet (I will add a request for support).

Hereā€™s the JSON

"Load LC":10508,
"Git Build":"mega-20230508",
"System Libraries":"ESP82xx Core 2843a5ac, NONOS SDK 2.2.2-dev(38a443e), LWIP: 2.1.2 PUYA support",
"Plugin Count":47,
"Plugin Description":"[Normal]",
"Build Time":"May  8 2023 07:25:58",
"Binary Filename":"ESP_Easy_mega_20230508_normal_ESP8266_4M1M",
"Local Time":"2023-06-07 01:05:34",
"UTC time stored in RTC chip":"-",
"Time Source":"NTP",
"Time Wander":0.0,
"Use NTP":"true",
"Unit Number":4,
"Unit Name":"presence_badkamer",
"Uptime (ms)":3289114,
"Last Boot Cause":"Soft Reboot",
"Reset Reason":"Software/System restart",
"CPU Eco Mode":"false",
"Heap Max Free Block":10120,
"Heap Fragmentation":20,
"Free RAM":12648,
"Free Stack":3536,
"ESP Chip Model":"ESP8266",
"Timezone Offset":60,
"Syslog Log Level":"None",
"Serial Log Level":"Info",
"Web Log Level":"None"
"IP Config":"DHCP",
"IP Address":"",
"IP Subnet":"",
"STA MAC":"BC:Dxxxxxx",
"DNS 1":"",
"DNS 2":"(IP unset)",
"Encryption Type":"WPA/WPA2/PSK",
"Connected msec":3286000,
"Last Disconnect Reason":1,
"Last Disconnect Reason str":"(1) Unspecified",
"Number Reconnects":0,
"Configured SSID1":"Fxxxxxx_2.4G",
"Configured SSID2":"Fxxxxxx_Out-2.4G",
"Force WiFi B/G":"false",
"Restart WiFi Lost Conn":"true",
"Force WiFi No Sleep":"false",
"Periodical send Gratuitous ARP":"false",
"Connection Failure Threshold":0,
"Max WiFi TX Power":17.50,
"Current WiFi TX Power":8.00,
"WiFi Sensitivity Margin":3,
"Send With Max TX Power":"false",
"Extra WiFi scan loops":0,
"Use Last Connected AP from RTC":"false",
"platform":"ESP Easy Mega",
"TaskValues": [
"DataAcquisition": [
"Type":"Generic - Dummy Device",
"TaskValues": [
"DataAcquisition": [
"Type":"Switch input - Switch",
"TaskValues": [
"DataAcquisition": [
"Type":"Environment - DHT11/12/22  SONOFF2301/7021/MS01",

Note, this setup works fine with HA + ESPHome btw.

Thanks for looking into this!

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Hello @Joolee, can we expect update for the new homey pro? Thank you in advance!

Hi all! Sorry for not providing any updates lately. Iā€™ve been working the the last few days on updating the app to SDK-V3 (which will make it work on the new 2023 Homeyā€™s) but I canā€™t make any promises for the timeline.
So far it has not been too complicated but I have no idea what horrors might still be waiting for me.


Hi Joolee,

I try to add environment sensors to Homey via espeasy & d1 mini; switch, dummy, relais, i/o output ect. are working fine, data is shown in Espeasy Devices and in Homey.
Unfortunately the environment sensors did not show up when I try to add them in Homey except the dummy environment.

I Did try on a Wemos D1R2 too without succes.

I Use esp bin 20230623 normal
Homey Pro 2019 with version 8.1.5
App version

Searched all Posts and internetā€¦ā€¦

Hope you can give me a hintā€¦



While updating the app to a V3 version maybe you are able to put in an opt-out for the tracking. Iā€™m not so happy with having a lot of calls to espeasy.homey.joolee.nl
Looks like there is every 30 seconds a retry to push the data when the domain isnĀ“t available:

Thanks in advance and success with updating.

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thanks for the app and all the work.
For the P1 monitor I would like to also have the voltage displayed.
Is this possible?
I would like to use it in a flow and view it in the insight.


greets Luuk


Do you have any information on the progress for ESP Easy to support Homey Pro 2023? This is the only thing keeping me from migrating from my old Homey.



Hello Joolee, we are a good time further now and you have been absent on this forum on a while. Can you provide us with a ets for the next update for the new homey? I rely heavy on your app for a lot of devices!

In case Joolee has left the ship; Are there other options to witch i can migrate without reflashing my esp modules to other firmware? I have been looking to esphome but i like the espeasy interface as it makes setting up stuff very wellā€¦ easy


I canā€™s get the DS18B20 sensors to work. The demo status information works fine, I can see uptime, RAM usage etc from my ESP board. I then added 2 temp sensors, used unique IDX ports. But when I try to add the environment sensors in ESP Easy app, they are not found. What might I be doing wrong?

Update dec 2024: still not managed to get the DS18B20 sensors visible in Homey. I can see the system information of the ESP board fine in Homey, I can create a dummy temp sensor, that shows up too. But my 2 DS18B20 refuse to show up. @Joolee Any idea plase?

@Joolee: thank you for the excellent explanation on how to flash ESP easy firmware. As you mentioned ā€˜it will take a whileā€™; could you or anyone reading add how long on average this should take for an ESP32S3 4M @40Mhz 115200?