Arduino ESP32 Soil Moisture Sensor

Hi out there! I have been trying to get my Arduino ESP32 Soil Moisture Sensor give his Moisture Mesurements to the Homey Pro.
Did anyone allready did this ? Can someone please send / post me an example Sketch ?
Thanx and best Regards, Daniel

The easiest way is probably to use ESPHome.

Do you know if this module for configuring the Arduino board straight from the Homey interface still exists for the Homey Pro Early 2023 ? i only found 404 links on github.

I think you mean this? homey-arduino-library/examples/Remote configuration at master · athombv/homey-arduino-library · GitHub

I don’t know if it’ll work on ESP32, though, Homeyduino was developed for ESP8266.

Oh, I use both. If in doubt I’ll use the ESP3266 for maximum compatibility. Thanks for the link to the ino sketches. I will give it a try.

Oh it finally works fine. I made it work by Arduino App in Homey an provide the data with a Virtual Device and a flow. Works fine now !

maybe you can help me. I am also trying to get a esp 32 working with the homey. I am using the arduino IDE with the homeyduino app but is it now possible to use that to read and send things to my homey. Of do you think that their is a better way to do it?

You can try ESPHome and its accompanying app.

Wow i even did not know that app ! Nice !

Would it help if i send you my Arduino Sketch ?