[APP][Pro] ELKO Smart (deprecated)

Maybe :slight_smile: Its expensive to try and if it is not working.

Kommer det støtte for smarttag?

Dimmers have mostly standard functionality, compared to for example the thermostats, so it should be straightforward. But by all means try one first :face_with_monocle:

This is supported. I have about 15 of these installed in my home and controll them by Homey. Only issue I experience is that every time Homeys software is upgraded they must be removed and reconnected.

You have 15 smart dimmers from ELKO?

Hi, I’m already using this app with about 6 Elko Smart Dim Vri. And it works great. Thank you!
The new Elko Smart Dim Vri multiwire: link doesn’t seem to be supported? Just tried to connect it and I get a “Homey didn’t find an app that supports this device”. It’s then added as a generic zigbee device, which works ok, but doesn’t have all the advanced settings the other Smart Dim device have. Is there any plan on supporting this device?

The support for that new part has been PR and merged to the code base. Will be available in the next release

Hi. I have bought 3 pieces of Elko smartdim trykk uni 200w some months ago. Once I bought it I managed to connect it to homey pro through Elko smart app in homey app without any problems. After a while I had to disconnect the dimmers for a moment. Now, when they are installed back I can’t find this dimmer in the list of Elko smart app and I can’t connect it. I tried through the other dimmers from the list but homey seems not to see my dimmers. Is it still possible to connect these dimmers to homey pro? Thank you for any help. Best regards


Has anyone tested this dimmer in Homey and does it show the energy consumption?



Nothing has changed in app for many months, so should still be there :slight_smile:

Works fine :slight_smile: Energy is defined in app, no measuring by device

What u mean energy is defined in app?

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I’m working on a update to include new dimmers. Needed some work for support. Also added support for sockets (single and double) and working on a fix for wrong power measurment on the thermostat.

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Under advanced settings you set the power usage for when device is on and off. It will calculate power when light is dimmed.

Thank you for your reply. Which of the dimmers represents smartdim trykk uni 200w on the list?

Appreciate any help with this.

Ok. I managed to connect two of my dimmers as trykk dimmer after I reset Zigbee network. One last dimmer is unable to connect. I start to suspect that maybe there is something wrong with it phisically as I can’t even reset it to factory settings.

Thank you :slight_smile:
Do you see this calculation in the app somehow?

In the energy tab :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:
Will absolutely consider this, but I like the components that show the W and kWh in the app aswell :thinking:

Bottom right, “Trykk dimmer” would be my guess