[APP][PRO] Dyson Fans

Introducing a new Homey App for Dyson Fans (pun intended).

Current version: [Dyson Fans v1.0 (Dyson Fans App for Homey | Homey)


Dyson Fans supports both old and new Dyson Fan models, giving you control over:

  • power (on/off)
  • auto mode
  • night mode
  • continuous monitoring mode
  • heater mode (and target temperature) - on models with heater
  • humidifier mode (and target humidity) - on models with humidifier
  • oscillation mode
  • fan speed
  • fan direction

And giving you access to sensor data for:

  • temperature (Ā°C)
  • humidity (%)
  • PM 2.5 (Ī¼g/mĀ³)
  • PM 10 (Ī¼g/mĀ³)
  • Formaldehyde (Ī¼g/mĀ³) - on specific models
  • VOC (?)
  • NO2 (?)
  • Filter health (%)
  • Air quality (custom calculated grade 1-10)

Questions, Issues, Feedback, Feature Requests

Please leave your comments, questions and requests in this forum topic! When reporting an issue, please include the model of your Fan along with any errors and other information you deem useful.

Legal stuff

Iā€™ve created this App in my spare time because I have Dyson Fans and was unable to control and integrate them adequately with the official Dyson App. Iā€™m not affiliated with Dyson and Dyson is not involved in any way in the creation of this App.

The App is provided as-is, free of charge and without any warranty. If Dyson decides to change anything in the firmware or login procedure, this App might stop working in part or completely. That said, if you encounter any issue while using the app, please drop a message in this topic and Iā€™ll see what I can help you with when time permits.


Known issues:

  • Newer device models donā€™t report Carbon filter state separately, which causes Carbon filter health to show as ā€˜-ā€™.
  • Iā€™m still working on the best way to interpret VOC and NO2 values. For now, the App shows the exact values as reported by the device without a specification of units.

Bravo !

Waiting for this so long!! This is helping me so much, works great!

Just installed it and as for the first test it seems to work great with my Dyson Purifier Cool (TP07?). Thanks for your work!

Thanks works great. Is it possible to change the fan direction in a flow ā€œthenā€ I canā€™t find this option


I just installed your app and it works great with my Dyson Purifier Hot+Coolā„¢ HP09 Formaldehyde. Thank you for the great work.

Hi, I searched the store and wondered that I could not find the app.
Is the first approved version not live yet? Only the test version from your 1st post is available.

Hi all,

Thanks for all your feedback. Great to hear it works well for everyone!

@RonnyW thatā€™s right, I was waiting for a little more feedback before I publish the app. Iā€™ll see if I can wrap things up and release a version 1.0 this weekend.



No hurries, it was only a questios whether it was intentional or accidental.

Some feedback here, not sure if actually a bug or not, but my Dyson Purifier Big+Quiet Formaldehyde seems to only register the temperature when turned on, and it doesnā€™t update after that. Some of the other settings seems to update a lot more often. Is this something that you can control, because it would be nice to have the temperature update say every minute or something, so it can also be used to control other devices in the room based on temperature.

The Fan has a manual mode where the device is really turned off.
And it has an auto Mode (or continuous check, donā€™t know the exact name) where the device keeps on and is checking air quality all the time. Can you try with this Mode?

Thatā€™s the setting in original Dyson mobile app (sorry, I have only a german screenshot)

It was turned off in the Dyson app, I see now, will let it run for a bit and check if it updates more frequent now!

Thatā€™s right. The mode is called continuous monitoring. With that mode enabled, all sensor values should be updated continuously.

Auto mode is something different. That mode lets the Dyson device automatically pick the right fan speed depending on air quality.

Seems to be updating more frequent now

Bravo so happy :grinning:
I have installed the TP09 cool/hot/formaldehyde.

Works great


@Henk_Daalhuizen I overlooked your comment, and it seems like youā€™re right and iā€™ve missed thatone. Iā€™ll see if I can add the Action card for the Fan Direction this weekend as well.

By the way, you can set the continuous monitoring setting from within the Homey App.

Thanks for the good work. I have a Dyson Puur Cool for a few years old and a new Dyson Purifier Hot+Cold connected. Both fine!

is it possible to use the temperature measured by the Dyson in a flow as a dependent variable?

Use logic cards, you should be able to use the tags of the Dyson device.

Logics explained here: