[APP][Pro] BlueAir

Athom Home Support for BlueAir App for Homey | Homey

Supported devices
BlueAir Classic. BlueAir HelathProtect and BlueAir DustMagnet

Flow cards

Supported triggers (differs per model):

  • Fan speed change
  • Filter status has changed
  • Humidity has change
  • PM1 has changed
  • PM2.5 has changed
  • PM10 has changes
  • Temperature has changed
  • tVOC has changed

Supported actions (differs per model):

  • Set auto mode
  • Set brightness
  • Set child lock
  • Set the fan speed
  • Set night mode
  • Set standby mode

Search for a new device and enter your credentials. It’s the same as with the BlueAir app on your phone.

Supported Languages:
English, Dutch, German, Danish, Spanish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish and Polish

If you want to support this app, please consider a donation

Hi @MathiasT,

I tried adding my Blue Max 3250i as a device in Homey using this app but received the error message “The provided credentials are not valid.”

I haven’t tested agains Blue Max devices. Currently Im in development against BlueAir AWS API. Yes, they have two. So I’m reverse engineering their API via their APP on a samsung that I hacked to get all network traffic while doing operations. takes time.

Thanks for putting in the effort to support Blue Max. Look forward to using it in the future. Cheers

@Jonathan_K you can try the new test version. look up the BlueAir app and att /test to the end of the URL. Connect by clicking the Healthprotect device. If that works, then if I can borrow your unit (credentials) I could check what capabilities it has and build the specific device driver. Let me know.

I have installed the test build and tried connecting with my BlueAir credential. However I have received an error message saying, “The provided credentials are not valid”

Hi Jonathan, I’ve tried by all means to connect to my DustMagnet (which I can access via Blueairs own app so it is available this way). I get errors trying to log in using the Blueairs credentials. Any hint on how to proceed?
When attempting login via Homeys web interface on my computer I recieve a popup saying “Network request failed” and trying via the Homey Android app gives “Timeout after 30000ms”.

I tried to shorten the password to the minimum safety requirements but that didnt help.

It’d be real nice to have access to the sensor data in the HomeyPro-apps…

I’m sad to hear the app has been installed 63 times, but it works for at least a few. We have to see if your credentials are connected to a new set of Amazon sweater clusters. if you DM me we could to some test and I could update the app backend.

It works very well for me! :tada:
I’d just like to have the PM2.5, tVOC, temp, humidity. Then it’ll be perfect! :ok_hand:t3:

PS. Enjoy your coffee/beer