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@Bug You might get it to work with iCalCalendar IcalCalendar vraag
Don’t have any experience with that, but maybe you can have your familymembers plan their trip (time to leave) in the calender…

You just need to convert the calendertime to a “decimal time” (which is also not really easy in Homey), or convert the times in my flow to normal time (not sure how that should be done, but I think possible)
Probably not that hard, but setting a numvar to a decimal time was the only “easy” way I could find to directly set something, the Logic variables are easy and quick to set (but I can imagine not ideal for other familymembers).

Does your car not correct the charging time left for the charging speed? My Audi can charge 10 or 16A, I’m assuming the charging time left will be calculated accordingly.

Of course, you can also do some calculation yourself based on amps, kws, whatever.

I just might start using that calenderapp myself…since I already use an agenda to schedules appointments away from home, that would automatically set the “leavetime” for my car…

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