[APP][Pro][DEPRECATED] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

I think this is already on the whish list correct @martijnpoppen ?

I too am looking for a easy way to set the time somewhere to have it charge to full level.
even a virtual device that would hold a set time would already help although i have not found an app that provides that…

@bug: I just found a solution using Better Logic, see here (last post)

You can set a Logic variable to a “decimal time”, f.e. 1750 (instead of 17:30) and the flows will start charging “charging time left”-minutes before that.

Not perfect yey, but actually quite proud I found that! :sunglasses:

Let me know if the dutch language in the screenshots presents a problem

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Ok. Ill be glad to test the functionality

I am dutch so that will not be a problem :wink:
the thing i also need to take into consideration is the fact that the car may be set to slower charging speed than the max charging speed to protect the main house fuses from blowing :boom:
will definitely have a closer look at the flows in the topic although i would prefer a time to leave device so i could instruct the other people in the household to also be able to set the departure time instead of them fiddling around with a variable… will also have a look on the calendar linking to see if that would also work… to be continued…

@Bug You might get it to work with iCalCalendar IcalCalendar vraag
Don’t have any experience with that, but maybe you can have your familymembers plan their trip (time to leave) in the calender…

You just need to convert the calendertime to a “decimal time” (which is also not really easy in Homey), or convert the times in my flow to normal time (not sure how that should be done, but I think possible)
Probably not that hard, but setting a numvar to a decimal time was the only “easy” way I could find to directly set something, the Logic variables are easy and quick to set (but I can imagine not ideal for other familymembers).

Does your car not correct the charging time left for the charging speed? My Audi can charge 10 or 16A, I’m assuming the charging time left will be calculated accordingly.

Of course, you can also do some calculation yourself based on amps, kws, whatever.

I just might start using that calenderapp myself…since I already use an agenda to schedules appointments away from home, that would automatically set the “leavetime” for my car…

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@martijnpoppen could you add some logic cards?
Would love to have:
If charging speed has changed (local tag Amps)
If charging low limit has changed (local tag %)
This to catch changes made in the car for flow value calculations
Thanks for your efforts!!

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@bug yes will do
Hope to have a update ready next week.
Unfortunately my time for Homey is very limited at the moment

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New app update (test: 1.4.0): (auto update only)


  • FIX: Enyaq climate time
  • FIX: Enyaq Start stop climate
  • FIX: Enyaq remove is_home (not supported)
  • FIX: App not updating after 5+ days
  • FIX: Audi EV - etron start charging not working
  • FIX: ID cars data not updating
  • FIX: remaining climate time set to 0 when climater is off
  • FIX: Fuel level - VW Fuel - @Peter_Johansson
  • FIX: Oil Level - Skoda Fuel - @joka
  • NEW: battery percent indicator for device tile
  • NEW: Skoda Hybrid

It’s been a while guys, sorry for that. :confused:
Still quite limited on Homey development time due to my new house (:pick: :house_with_garden: )


I think above update will make the app stable enough for go-live.
The go live of the apps will go as follow:

If you’re a VW owner:

  • The VAG connect app will convert to VW-We Connect. Your password will be encrypted with a new hash

If you’re a Audi owner:

  • The VAG connect app stops working for you. In this case you have to download the new MyAudi app. (link coming soon)

If you’re a Seat/Cupra owner:

  • The VAG connect app stops working for you. In this case you have to download the new Seat Connect app. (link coming soon)

If you’re a Skoda owner:

  • The VAG connect app stops working for you. In this case you have to download the new MyŠKODA app. (link coming soon)

Great job and thx a lot dear @martijnpoppen

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Thanks Martijn. Your new home go’s first.

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Great job @martijnpoppen!

Still have to point out that the climatisation start doesn’t work in ID cars. Or at least I cannot make it work.

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Will check @peltsi51

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New app update (test: 1.4.1): (auto update only)


  • FIX: Error: invalid_capability

@peltsi51 did some tests. I have a test ID car in my account but cannot say if it (actually) works.

  • Looks like when you try to start it the first time it fails. (saw a API error)
  • Stop it (API call succesful)
  • Start it again. (API call succesful)

The last try should work, can you verify this?

Unfortunately it is not working. Tried start, stop, start, start with 30s delays and with 60s delays.

@peltsi51 hmm :confused:

Then i need some logs. Not sure if you have the debug option enabled in the device settings?

I have now. What do you need?

Hi @martijnpoppen
Your new house come’s first obivously but if you have a spare moment, my Audi Q4 (full electric) stopped updating a few days ago, so i restarted the app (latest version) but nothing. So i readded the Q4 and its updating again.

But almost all values are gone, i can only see range and state of charge. Also the button for climatization is gone.

Diag report: 11eff5c4-4620-47fc-a3ef-e171815cc4dd

Thanks in advance!

@martijnpoppen hope all is right with the new house :wink: Seems that most important things (internet and electricity works fine already :wink: - just kidding) - may I ask again, would it be possible also to include “vw-connect.0.VINVIN.charger.status.chargingStatusData.externalPowerSupplyState.content” state ? At least I hope this is state for this icon :

It might cover states, where you plug car when arriving and at night, you expect that it will start charging over night - but nothing happens because plug is not inserted correctly or charger rejected the car…