[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Thanks! I’ll try this. And for the full screen at startup? Is there something in the dashboard code I can do, or any additions to the url?

Sorry if this has been asked before. Is it possible to duplicate/copy/clone a dashboard to make a new dashboard. I have a dashboard layout I’ve created and would like to use it as a kind of template to create a new one, then just change some of the widgets

Hi Jim,

Pls check the ‘issues’ part @ github. It’s a to-do list you can search upon; when no similar issues are found, you can create a new one with your feature request:

did not try it yet. but I would try the following:

  • create new dashboard
  • open old dashboard and go to menu “Dashboard settings”, there you find the “raw” code for the dashboard
  • open new dashboard and go to menu “Dashboard settings”, paste settings from before
  • replace “id” at the very top with the id of the new dashboard (canbe found in URL)

just an idea

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Thanks Peter will have a look.

Thanks @m.plo.b
Will have a try at your suggestion.

Hi - this looks really cool and I am currently looking into replacing some of my switches in the house with 4 inch touchscreens. This would be absolutely perfect since I could create dashboards with controls for each of them and then only display controls that make sense for each room. However I want my switches to work even if the internet is out - although its a great notification that the link is down if none of the lights and shades work anymore, the wife acceptance factor might drop to 0. So I want to run it locally. I followed the steps on github and installed the app on my homey - it does show up as well, however it crashes immediately: Exit Code: 1, Exit Signal: null

I dont know how to access the actual crash logs - is there anything I can do?

Yeah, but I’ve tried to force it to view like a desktop pc by tapping “Computerversion” or “Standardversion” in the settings, but i’ts still pulling like it’s a mobil. How do I force it not to have mobil view on a tablet?

It is four “sizes”. Same board appears differently on different screen sizes, but you have to organize and change the design on every screen size. The design will be stored for every “size”.

Thanks, this got me in the right direction :slight_smile:
The thing is, that if I change the layout on, lets say laptop, then it somehow resets on tablet. But I guess I can make a workaround and have separate dashboards for each device.

Very nice app.

How do i make diverend tabs just like the dash from Patrick

Very nice app.

How do i make diverend tabs just like the dash from Patrick

It’s not tabs, just buttons to other Dashboards.

Click “Edit widgets > Add > Dashboard”.

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My dashboard stopped working; I only see the menubutton and the background wallpaper, but the menubutton doesn’t do anything. I had this issue before, I think it’s due to some device or Homey app not working properly (or in case of the device, being deleted or replaced by a new device).
Only one of the 3 dasboards still works, but that just has one graph.

In this case, I see this (not very familiar with these browseroptions), but this is regarding the myAudi and the device that represents my car. It’s on both the pages that do not work (and not on the page that still works).

Is there a way around this? The page should not stop working because a homeyobject is not functioning properly

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I think you could try to go to the menu and then to “Dashboard Settings” where you see the raw code that describes the dashboard … try to find your device and edit or remove it (maybe easier if you first copy it to some editor).

Just an idea.

The menu doesn’t work

is there an explanation how to set it up?

Maybe you should read the first post of this topic?

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Hi! So nice work already done! Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

However, I can’t modify raw datas… I would like to use the raw code to duplicate a dashboard.
Did I miss something?

My dash is many times a day unreachable, i only get a white screen.

Have other people the same problem?

Yesterday I had the same problems with the 2 virtual Dashboards.

Maybe the not logical data that I see on my 1st main Dashboard is also the reason of it.

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