[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Not that I can find. What happens when you create the code to use in your iFrame, the found location gets added to the code as a number.

Finally a great dashboard. Many thanks

Any swedes with a weather site working in Iframe with something like Regnradar?

What is the name of the active icon? I can’t find it however I search.

Happy newyear everyone :champagne::beers:

You could use ‘buienradar’ in the meantime
Here you can configure it

Enter a city and copy the blue selections;
Click on the line … HTML code genereren, to generate the needed HTML code, which appears at the bottom:

Use only this part of the generated code in your iframe, this is the code for Malmö:

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Buienradar do not reach Denmark and Sweden. Even if you are able set map there is no radar.

Try this one. Is what i use for Skåne (Höör)

This is how it looks on my dashboard tablett with modifications done for me.

If you want to play with the widget settings then use this as a start.


Another meteoblue view:


Thanks all…

Is there any way to remove the 100% in large letters and only have the slider?

The icon (I found it first but now now. What is the the name in the search field

Im not 100 here but i dont think you can sins there is no additional options for the capability widget.

The cleanest and best-looking I’ve found is the widgets from YR.no:


@skogsaas - the project is not abandon - right?

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The project is alive and kicking. Just not going that fast with work and two small kids :sweat_smile:

I’m currently redoing a major part of widget placement. When it’s done, you’ll be able to do a lot of cool customizations. It just takes a while, because I’ve not managed to find any good existing libraries for this, that also meets all you people’s crazy different requirements, so I’m forced to make it myself.

And as there’s now over 1000 people who’s installed the app, even though it’s privately listed in the Homey App Store, creating a migration that works for all your different dashboards is going to be… challenging :see_no_evil:


Hej Peter

I have this already but couldn’t find the cloud/rain/snow movement in the Yr system.

Auch. I wasn’t aware :smirk:. It isn’t mentioned at that page. Know why?
My screenshot shows clouds, that’s odd then :woozy_face:

Thanks a lot @skogsaas - awesome, I was just afraid that you had abandon it. Same situation here, so no stress of course! :slight_smile:

Regarding migration - are you really sure that you should put time into that? From my point of view, this is a private listed app under development. Things are evaluated. Just say, from version X.X you need to recreate all your dashboards. Let us do that work instead.



Many thanks for a great dashboard!

This are how my Heatit Z-TRM6 looks like in Dashboards.
Is it possible to restrict some of the settings?
Disable or to use a confirmation prompt or pin code?
This could be handy for the mode settings, to easy for kids/youngsters to set it to automatic/off…

And is it possible to configure the step from 1 degrees to 0.5 degrees?

And finally, could there be an upper/lower limit for the settings of the target temperature?
When it’s cold, the youngsters believe that it is a good idea to set the target temperature to 25+ degrees…

Not currently. Working on it.

Good idea, and should actually be doable! I’ll add it to the list: CONFIRM: Enter pin-code to confirm changes · Issue #137 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub
From a security perspective it’s not really “secured” by a pin-code, as the user logged in still has to have the required permissions to use the Homey API. A pin-code will just be to limit users through the dashboard UI.

Not currently for capabilities. And the step is now resolved from device capability metadata, and not something set by me. Maybe you can set this on the device itself?

Not currently for capabilities. Working on it.
Based on your name, I’m guessing you might be Norwegian. If that’s the case, keep your kids away from the thermostat this weekend when the temperature crawls below -25 celsius :cold_face:


Many thanks for your reply.

The Z-TRM6 could be set to 0.5 degrees celsius steps when I test this with sharptools.
I could use the slider, but here the step is 0.01 and that is confusing for the user, should I use 22.33 or 22.42 :thinking: :laughing:

Yes, I’m a Norwegian and we expect some real cold days.
The physical “up” button on the thermostat is glued… :rofl:

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Love all the screenshots etc. I see here. So I want to get started with the app myself :slight_smile:

Unfortunately running into some challenges in getting it to work. Here is what I have done so far:

  • installed the Dashboards app
  • created a ‘Dashboard’ device (which does not have capabilities, but it is there)
  • went to the ‘Configure’ page of the app and tried to get Local URL access - this unfortunately did not work
  • went to the ‘Configure’ page of the app and tried to get Remote URL access - this worked and I entered the API key created for this app
  • several restarts of the app
  • restart of Homey
  • left the browser open for a long time (to allow for loading of devices/capabilities from Homey)
  • refresh of the browser

Via the ‘Remote URL’ option I have now have access and I created a dashboard. When I try to add something to the dashboard via "Edit widgets’ in the left menu I see the ‘add’ option and when choosing this I can choose from a number of options. However regardless what I choose when I try to enter the variables I usually need to select a ‘device’ (or capability, or something else) and the search box appears. No matter what I try though I get no results :frowning: I’ve searched for exact device names and also partials.

What does work is adding a ‘Text’ - this box appears on the dashboard.

Basic info:

  • I use a HP2023
  • created an API key with full access to Homey
  • Homey and my laptop are connected to the same WIFI network

My questions:

  • Any ideas on how I can get the ‘Local URL’ option to work? (I’ve tried by replacing the hyphens (-) in the URL by dots (.) but no effect)
  • Any ideas on how I can get the ‘search box’ to work so I can select a capability/device (or something else, depending of course on what I am adding to the dashboard)?

Did you rename the dashboard device you added? If not do that it doesnt like it for some reason with the default name for it.

Thanks for the tip, renamed the dashboard device. Unfortunately no luck yet. I also do not see this dashboard when I log in via the Dashboards app. There I only see locally created dashboards (stored in the browser if I understand correctly).

So looks like it is some sort of access issue where the Dashboards app cannot get the default dashboard (device) not any other devices/capabilities from Homey?

Not exacly.

There is 3 ways

Local (direct access to the homey localy made device dashboards but also the localy browser stored dashboards)

Remote (This is simular to above just goes thru homey connect to access your homey)

Github.io (this is a online url solution that talks to athom homey.) Personaly i do ot realy like this one :wink:

I run my completly local not using the other solutions. Just homey stored dashboards.

It is sensetive to swicthing between wifi and lan so you know it. I had to remove my lan adapter or else it started not realy knowing what it was supposed to return to me.